The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
[Petition of Janet Corsbie for the trial of her husband and son]
To the king's most excellent majestie, the humble petitioun of Jonet Corsbie, humblie shewing that her husband John Black and Thomas Black, there soune, wer imprisoned by the Earle of Nithisdaile almost two yeares sence in Drumfreis and have lyen in yrons for suspicioun of the death of John Maxuell of Midlebee, of whose death (God knows) they are innocent, the said John Maxuell dyeing in a moss in the night as is weill knowen. And yett the said John and Thomas Blackes refuses no legall tryall but they ar sterved in prisoun these two yeares almost and neither tryed nor relieved.
Wherefore I earnestlie pray that the relict of the said umquhill John Maxuell be put to take out a commissioun to try the said John and Thomas Blackes and use them according to law rather then that they die for famine in prisoun, or otherwyse if they refusse to pursue betwixt and ane appoynted day, that warrant be given for releaseing the saids John and Thomas Blackes. And I with my said husband and fyve children shall ever pray.
His majestie is graciously pleased to remitt this petition to be answered in parliament.
James Galloway, att Halirudhous this 29 August 1641
24 September 1641
Red in audience of the kingis majestie and parliament, who ordanes the within two Blackis to be [...].2
- NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641'.
- Left blank. This clause preceded by two clauses recording the supplication's passage through parliament.