The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 14 September 2024
[Supplication of John Chisholm of Cromlix for passage of his gift through the exchequer]
My lordis and uthairis of the estaits of parliament, unto your lords humblie meanes and shawis your lordis servitour, Johne Chisholme, appeirand air of umquhill James Chisholme of Cromlix, my brother german, that quhair be ane act of this current parliament and be sundrie former actis of parliament of this kingdome maid be his majesties predicessouris of blissed memorie it is statute and ordanet that quhosoever sould happen to be slain or tak seiknes quhairthrow they sould deceis at the armie or cuming thairfra, that their airis sould frielie have their awin wairdis, releives and mariages conferrit on theme to be disponit upon be theme as they sould [think] expedient, and that gratis without any composition. And trew it is that the said umquhill James Chisholme, my brother, being imployit in the publict service wen maid captane of ane foott companie in my Lord Drummoundis regiement and continewit captane thairin quhill his deceis; lykas my said umquhill brother being in the said service at Newcastell contractit seiknes thairat and deceist at Kelso. And thairfor I sould have the benefeit of the saidis actis of parliament conferrit on me to have my awin weird, releiff and mariage grantit to me frielie without any compositioun, I being onlie brother german and appeirand air to my said umquhill brother. Heirfor I beseik your lord to have consideratioun of the premisis and to recommend the passing of ane gift of my weird, releif and mariage in my awin favouris, gratis, without any compositioun, conform to the tenour of the foirsaidis actis of parliament. And your lords answer.
23 September 1641
Red in presence of his majestie and estaittis of parliament, who ordanes the thesaurer depute and lordis of exchekquhair to pass the gift within written to the supplicant or any other to his behuife whom he shall desyre gratis, and ordanes the clerk to give forth the dowble heirof under his hand gif neid beis.
Balmerino, I[n] p[raesentia] d[ominorum] parliamenti
- NAS, PA6/4, 'September 23 1641'.