[Minutes of the meeting of the nobility regarding the king's nomination of officers of state, council and session]

17 Septemb[er] 1641

At the meitting of the nobilitie in the efternoone

Gif his majestie shall be humblie intreated befoir the parliament tak the list of counsallouris to consideration to condiscend upone ane definite nomber of the counsale, yea or no.

Gif his majestie shalbe intreated that he may be pleased at the humble desyre of the estaittis to nominate the officiaris of estaite befoir the parliament tak the list of counsallouris to consideratione, yea or no.

Resolved upon the first questione affirmative. Lykewayis resolved affirmative upon the second questione.

1. That the definite nomber of counsallouris be knowin.

2. That such counsallouris be named as will undertake to attend.

  1. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.665.