[Articles from the barons concerning the king's answer to the nomination of officers of state, council and session]

Anent the paper gevin be his majestie to the estaittis of parliament, the baronis acknowledges the same to be satisfactorie to thair desyres in one greate pairt, and doe with all thair hairtis give his majestie thankes for the same and withall desyris the articles following to be considerit be his majestie:

[1.] That the said declaratioune be maid be his majestie, with advyse and consent of the estaittis of parliament, as being the determinatione of that demand which be the treatie was referrit to thair determinatione.

[2.] Becaus his majestie hes declaired that he will nominate and choyse with advyse and approbatioune of parliamentis, thairfoir it is desyrit that the way of parliamentis advyse in the nominatioune and choysing may be cleired and the maner thairof exprest.

[3.] That thir wordis may be addit: 'all of that nomber being callit upon fyftene dayis and the most pairt of the haill nomber of counsallouris voycing and consenting to the nominatione and electioune'.

[4.] And so the sessioneris, with advyse and approbatioune of the lordis of sessione: memorandum anent this article.

[5.] That the officiaris of estaite, counsellouris and sessioneris chosen in the intervall betuixt parliamentis may haif thair places only whill the nixt parliament, at the which tyme they may ather be approvin or changed as the parliament shall think expedient.

6. That the condiscending to his majestie declaratioune with the additiones forsaidis is alwayis to be understood with this conditioune: that the propositiones contained in the other paper presented to his majestie anent the present electione be lykewayes agreed unto.

  1. NAS, PA7/2/95.