The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 20 September 2024
[Petition of William MacIntosh of Torcastle and Lauchlan MacIntosh, his brother]
Wnto his sacred majestie and estates of parliament, humblie meines and showis your humble servitores William McIntoishe of Torcastell and Lauchlane McIntoishe, my brether germane, for our selffis and in name of our kin and freindes.
That quhair in the moneth of August or thairby 1640 yeires certaine of the Laird of Glengarries freindes and kinsmen, sorneris, theives and oppressores, haveing come doun to the boundis of Kilravok in Murrey and their maist thifteouslie and maistirfullie haveing takin away ane great number of oxin, kye and horsis from the inhabitantes of these boundis; and the gentlemen induellaris thair having followed the limmeris for recoverie of the spreith so takin away, it fortuned that certain of our freindes and kinsmen (as guid countriemen and hateing such vyld robberie and enormities) did concur with the remanent in the persute and following of the chais. In the quhilk it so happened and fell out that thair were tua of these rogues and robberis killed, quhich act, notwithstanding that it was warrantable both be Godis law and be the laues of this countrie and kingdome as done against notorious sorneris and theives, yet the Laird of Glengarrie, younger, and his freindes were thairwith so exasperat and inraged that, without any feare of God or respect to your majesties royall auctoritie, lawis of the kingdome or regaird to this honorable and great court of parliament now sitting, thrie of the old Laird of Glengarries sounes, accompanied with four or fyve scoir of thair complices, all bodin in feare of warr with gunnis, pistoles, bowis, dorlaches, swordes, targes and all ether invasive weapones, cam in ane most barbarous, rude and tumultuous maner to the burgh of Invernes upon ane Sondaye (being the fyfteine day of this instant), and thair, out of ane vindictive humor against us, foirthocht fellony and precogitat malice, thay cruellie set upone me, the said Lauchlane McIntoishe, being accompanied with nyne or ten young men, my freindes and kinsmen, shot fourtie or fiftie shot of gun at us, unmercifullie killed out right tua gentillmen, our freindes, and hurt and woundit four or fyve utheris, and preassed to tak my awin lyff hade not God and his providence protected me, the said Lauchlane. All quhich most barbarous, cruell and inhumane deallinges we humblie represent to your royall majestie and honorable lordships estates now conveined, your serious consideratione, humblie intreating that yow will be pleased to tak some such cours thairin as that we may be repayred in our loss and sufferinges, and that the countrie may be fried and liberat in tyme cuming of the forenamed murthereris and sorneris quho as yet continue and perseveir in thair wicked insolencies, cruelties and oppressiones. As also humblie intreating your sacred majestie and honorable lordships estates of parliament to mak fast and to deteine heir the forsaid young Laird of Glengarrie, quho is presentlie in this toun, as he quho is cheiff landislord and maister to the forsaid murthereris and villaines and privie to thair wicked and devillish plottis and cruell malice against us. And your most sacred majesties and honorable lordship gratious answer most humblie we attend.
- NAS, PA7/2/81.