[Protests over precedency; list of persons to whom the process of the burgh of Wigtown against the Earl of Galloway is remitted]

[Rege presente]2

The Lord Borthuik protestit that the reiding of the rolls this day as they now stand sould nawayis be prejudiciall to his place.

Lord Cambo for the shirrefdome of Fyff protestit that the reiding of the rolls this day and ryding of the commissaris of schyres sould not be prejudiciall to the place pertening to the said shirrefdome.

Lord of Cesnok, in name of the haill barrons, protestit that the reiding of the rolls this day and ryding of the commissaris of schyres sould not be prejudiciall to anie of the samen schyres anent thair places.

Lord Wedderburne protestit that this dayis reiding of the rolls and rydding of the commissaris of schyres sould nawayis be prejudiciall to the shirrefdome of Bervick, thair places in former rolls and ryding in former parliaments.

The Earle of Galloway gave in ane list of these to quhom he was content to submitt all contraverseis betuixt him and the toune of Wigton and all others quha had gevin in supplications against him befoir the parliament, viz: the Erles of Mar, Eglingtone, Seyfort, Lawderdaill, Southesk, Lord Lagge. As als the toune of Wigtone gave in thair list, viz: Erles Argyle and Glencairne, Sir Thomas of Kers, Lord Athernie, James Cochrane, commissioner for the burgh of Edinburgh, and Johne Sempill, commissar for the burgh of Dumbartane. And ather of theme nominat the lord chanceller and Balmerinocht, president of parliament, or anie ane of thame being present, or to four for ilk partie nominat as said is, with the ovrsmen, to decyd in all contraverseis betuixt the saids parteis betwixt and the 15 of January nixt, with power to the judges forsaids and ovrsmen to prorogatt etc. And ordans the samen submssione to be recoirded in the booke of parliament.

[Act approved; warrant granted to the privy council; commission of exchequer to be amended; acts and supplication remitted to the privy council; acts approved]

Act anent twa and ane half of the hundreth, the burrowes declaired they weld mak electione to be rewled be the book of raitts according to the pryces of merchandice as the samen now rewles. And in respect quhairof creaved the act might pass, quhilk accordinglie was past in parliament. And his majestie and esteats geives warrand to the counsell for regulating according to the book of raitts as said is, and ordanis the commissione of exchequhair to be extendit and extracted in maner above writtin.

Act anent pryces of seills, registeres etc. remitted to the counsell, to quhom the parliament geives power ad hunc effectum.

Act anent the thesaurarie red, voited and past in parliament.

Act anent nominatione and electione of the senatours of the colledge of justice red, voited and past in parliament, quha ordaines the senatours foirsaids and counsellours to be receaved be the lord chancellor.

Supplicatione in favours of the Britische in Irland red and remittit to his majestie.

Act anent the incarceratione of poore prissoners remittit to the counsell.

Act anent minores red, voited and past in parliament.

[Supplications remitted to the exchequer; acts approved; supplications remitted to the committee for regulating the common burdens; exoneration granted to the lord general]

Supplicatioune Pringle of Stitchill remittit to the exchequhair.

Act anent horse and armes keiped up from the awners red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act of reprysell in favours of Captane Robertsone, Erle of Rothes etc. signed be his majestie.

Supplicatione Maistir Alexander Pitcairne remittit to the committe for the commone burdingis.

Act of approbatione in favours of the generall, his excellencie, and others generall officeris conteined in the roll producit red, voited and past in parliament.

The lord generall creaved exoneratione of his office, quhairwith his majestie and esteats, being advysed, they grant him ane full exoneratioune and geives him power to command these quha ar yitt on fuit in this kingdome sua lang as they stand undisbandouned. Lyk as his majestie and esteats geivis warrand and command heirby to the counsell to disband the samen companies and to provyd for moneyis for that effect with all convenient diligence.

Supplicatione George Foulls for his exoneratione of his office as generall of the minthous red and remittit to the exchequhair.

Supplicatione Lord Forbes and toune of Aberdeen remittit to the committe for the commone burdenis.

[Recompense granted to the officers of the army and recommendations to the committee for regulating the common burdens ; act for the release of the Earl of Montrose and others approved]

His majestie and esteats geives in recompence to the generall, his excellence, the sowme of jC thousand merks to be payed out of the first and reddiest of the brotherlie assistance grantit be Ingland, and grantis power for that effect to the committe appoyntit for the commone burdingis.

The kingis majestie and esteats acknowledgis that the Lord Almont deserves ane recompens for his cariage as lieutenent generall, and remitte the quantitie and maner of payment thairof to the committe for the commoune burdingis.

Act in favours of the Erle of Montrois and others incarcerat in castle for thair inlairgement upone cautione to the effect thairin contenit, red, voited and past in parliament, quha ordaines the cautioners to stand obleist quhill the tyme of tryell be endit.

[Protests against ratifications passed this day]

3Protest be the commissioner of Kinghorne and be Robert Hepburne for the erle of Dumfermling as heretabll baillie of the lordship of Dumfermling against the rateficatione of Halhill.

Protest Robert Hepburne for the kingis uddellers and kyndlie possessours of the lands thairof against the ratefecatione in favours of James Sinclair of Skalloway.

Protest toune of Renfrew against Grenoks rateficatione, producit in writt.

Protest Maistir Rodger Mowatt in name of the wryghtis of the Cannogait against the ratif[ication] of the wrychts etc. of Edinburgh.

Protest Earle Argyle against the ratefecatione in favours of the toune of Dumbartane.

Protestatione toune of Glasgow against the ratefecatione of Dumbartane, produced in writt.

Protest toune of Glasgow against the ratefecatione of Renfrew, quhilk is produced bothe in ane with the former.4

Protest toune of Renfrew against the rateficatione of Glasgow, producit in writt.

Protest toune of Dumbartane against the rateficationes of Glasgow, produced in writt.

Protest Laird of Dune against the rateficatioune of the toune of Montrois.

Protest Laird of Houston against the rateficatioune of Renfrew.

Protest Laird of Newwark against the rateficatioune of Renfrew.

Protest Marques Hammiltone against the rateficatioune of Lynlithgow.

Protest Robert Hepburne for Baillie of Lochend, and the Erle of Hadingtone and Maistir James Scott, in name of the Erle of Buccleucht, against the ratefecatione in favours of Charles Stewart.

Protest toune of Peibilis against the rateficatioune of Traquhair.

Protest Lord Almond against the rateficatioune in favours of the kirk of Dennie.

Protest Laird of Minto against the ratefications of Glasgow.

Protest toune of Renfrew against the rateficatioun in favours of laird Howston.

Protest kirk of Anster contra the rateficatioun of the kirk of Kilrinnie.

Protest Maistir Andrew Dick in name of his fathair. As als the haill fischers against the rateficatioun in favours of the laird Aitkin for nott weitting of thair nettes.

Protest toune of Edinburgh against the rateficatioun in favours of the wrychts and others in the Cannogaitt.

Protest B[ishop of] Galloway against the rateficatioun in favours of the Universitie of Glasgow.

Protest Erle Perthe against the toune of Newburgh.

Robert Hepburne for the Erle of Dumfermling gave in ane declaratione in writt to be insert in the rateficatione of the toune of Quenisferrie.

Protest toune of Air against the rateficatioun of the toune of Irving.

Protest [...] Home, sone to umquhill Colonell Home, against the rateficatioune in favours of Johne Carstairs.

Protest toune of Brichen contra Carrelstone, quhilk is restricted to the act of assemblie allanerlie.

Refuisis the rateficatioun of the ischearie in favours of the laird Langtone.

Protest Erle Lauderdaill against the rateficatioun in favours of Mussilburgh.

Robert Hepburne in name of the Erle Kynowll gave in ane declaratione quhilk he creavis to be insert in Patrik Ruthvens rateficatione, quhilk is producit in writt.

Protest kingis majestie against Cragievars ratefecatione.

Protest Erle Merschell against the rateficatioun in favours of the maissers.

Protest lord lyone king at armes against the ratefecatione foirsaid.

Protest toune of Edinburgh against the hatmakers of Edinburgh.

Protest James Gibsone for the Laird of Haddo; protestit against the ratefecatione in favours of the Lord Fraser, and the Lord Fraser protestit in the contrare.

Protest laird Leslie for the shirefdome of Abirdene against the ratefecatione of the toune of Abirdene.

Protest Lord Maitland against the ratefecatione in favours of the Lord Hoome, producit in writt.

Protest Lord Yester against the ratefecatione of the toune of Peibilis.

Sir Archibald Johnestone creaved that the procurator and agent fees for the kirk sould be reservit out of the rateficatione of the rente of archebischoprik of Glasgow and gave in the same in writt.

Protest Marques of Hammiltone against the Duke of Lennox.

Protest Erle Merschell and the shirrefdome of Abirdene against the rateficatione in favours of the toune of Abirdene.

Protest colledge of Glasgow against the rateficatione in favours of the toune of Glasgow.

Protest Earl Lanerk in name of Robert Leslie against the rateficatione of the toune of Edinburgh of the bischops rents of Orknay, and his majestie declairit he abaid be the gift of Robert Leslie as being first done and preferris the samen to all other giftis.

Protest laird Geffein against the ratefecatione in favours of Glasgow colledge of Tungland.

Protest Erle Murray contra Inneis of Lewhichers, his ratefecatione.

Protest toune of Glasgow against the rateficatione of the toune of Rutherglen.

Protest Laird of Balmaine against the rateficatione in favours of Panmure.

Protest Erle Argyle against the rateficatione of the Lewes in favours of Seyforth.

Protest Erle Sutherland against the rateficatione of the Lewes in favours of Seyforth.

Protest Marques Hammiltone against the rateficatione in favours of the toune of Lanerk.

Dunbartane creavit the declaratione geivin in be thame against Glasgow to be insert in the rateficatione of Renfrew.

Renfrew creavit thair declaratione against Glasgow to be insert in the rateficatione of Dumbartane.

Protest laird Lawers against the rateficatione in favours of Tullibardin.

Protest Erle Seyforth against the rateficatione of the toune of Weik.

Protest Erle Southesk against the rateficaitone in favours of the minister of Brichen, and the commissioner of Brichen protestit in the contrair.

Protest Alexander Urquhairt against the rateficatione in favours of the toune of Crummarte.

Protest Mar[quis of] Hammiltone against the rateficatione in favours of the toune of Glasgow.

Tua rateficatione in favours of Sir James Galloway bothe rejected as being without ane leiding cais.

Protest Lord Yester against the rateficatione in favours of the Erle Kynnoull.

Protest Erle Merschell against the rateficatione in favours of the Erle Kynnoull.

Robert Hepburne, in name of the Erle of Erroll, in respect he is minor, protestit and gave in the samen in writt.

[Act approved; nomination of the keepers of the castles of Edinburgh and Dumbarton; warrant granted to the privy council regarding the outstanding issues of the treaty of London]

Act salvo jure cujuslibet red, voited and past in parliament.5

His majestie nominat the Erle of Leivin to be keiper of the castell of Edinburgh and the Duke of Levenox to be keiper of Dumbartane Castell, quhome the esteats approves.

His majestie and esteats of parliament geives warrand to the secreitt counsall for drawing up instructions to be geiven to the commissioneris for the remander of the treattie.

[Minister to attend the commissioners for the outstanding issues of the treaty of London; day of thanksgiving; act approved; Marquis of Argyll's patent passed; speech and sermon given]

His majestie and esteats appointis Sir Archibald Johnestone to acquent the commissioneris for the kirk that the commissioners for the remainder of the treatie may have anie minister with thame they pleas nominat. And als ordaines thame to appoynt ane day of thanksgewing, quhilk they will the said Sir Archibald to acquent the kirk with.

Act for the nixt parliament, appoynting the samen to hold upon the first day of Junii 1644, red, voited and past in parliament.

His majestie exhebeit ane patent for creatione of the Erle Argyle marques of Argyle, quhilk being red his majestie delyvered the samen, haveing the great seall appendit, to the said marqueis.

Thairefter ane speiche maid be the chancellor and ane sermon be Maistir Alexander Henderson.

  1. NAS, PA6/6, 'November 17 1641', f.1(a) r-1(b) v.
  2. Not in manuscript. Inserted in APS only.
  3. A number of crosses appear in the left hand margin next to each protest. The meaning of this is unclear.
  4. A brief document recorded from PA6/6, 'November 17 1641' almost certainly relates to this protest. It states that a '... decreit of suspensione craved be the burghs of Dumbartane and Renfrew seems most unjust and unreasonable ...' and '... sall be nawayes prejudice to the burgh of Glasgow.'
  5. A document concerning the last act of 'his majesties first parliament anno 1633 intitulat Act salvo jure cujuslibet', finding it of a different 'strane and tennor fra all the former actes of that kynd', can be found in PA6/6, 'November 17 1641'.