[Supplication read and warrant granted for prisoner's release; commissions and acts approved; nomination of master of requests]

Rege presente.

Supplicatione be Maistir Jhone Guthrie, sometyme pretendit Bishop of Murray, desyring to be putt to libertie, red in audience of his majestie and estaittis of parliament, who ordanes him to be putt to libertie with provisione he doe not returne to the diocie of Murray. And ordanes ane warrand to be direct to the provest and baillies of Edinburgh for that effect.

Commissione for conserving the peace betuix the two kingdomes, conforme to the articles [of the treattie]2, red, voitted and past in parliament.

Commissione anent the articles of the treatie remaining unperformed red, voitted and past in parliament.

Commissioune for the counsale red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act in favours of these who wer cited to the parliament as unfriends, discharging thame of the proces, red, voitted and past in parliament.

The kingis majestie, with advyse and approbatione of the estaittis of parliament, nominatis and electis Sir James Galloway to be maister of requestis during lyftyme, and appointis him to be eikit in the commissioune for the counsale.

Commissione for trying the incendiaries and plotters red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent the fyve incendiaries and act anent the plotters red, voitted and past in parliament, whairupon his majestie maid ane gracious declaratione quhilk ordaines to be recoirdit and printed efter the saids actis.

Commissione for revising the registers red, voitted and past in parliament, and ordanes the commissioners forsaids to meitt when the lord chancellar shall appoint, bot declairs the same is nawayis prejudiciall to the clerk register of receaving, keiping and using of the saids registers and keyis thairof in the mein tyme, conforme to his right and place.

[Deleted clause]3

[Commission approved and nomination of commissioners remitted to the privy council; act approved; supplication remitted to committee for regulating the common burdens]

Commissione for regulating the commissariatis red, voitted and past in parliament, and remittis and refers the nominatione of the commissioners to the lords of secreit counsale.

Act discharging the quottis of testamentis red, voitted and past in parliament, and his majestie did graciouslie condiscend thairunto.

Supplicatioune be the procuratours of the estaittis, craving exoneratione and recompense of thair service, red in audience of his majestie and estaittis of parliament, who remittis the same to the committee appointed for the common burthenis for the recompense. And in the mein tyme, ordanes thame to haif payment of byganes, conforme to the act, and ane exoneratione of thair bygane service.

[Act approved and prejudiced parties remitted to the privy council; commission approved and nomination of commissioners remitted to the privy council; acts approved; instruments taken]

Act discharging monopolies red, voitted and past in parliament. Bot in respect the Erle of Linlithgow his patent for making powder is heirby dischargit, and that he hath formerlie bestowed some charges upon the saids workis, thairfoir remittis to the counsale to take consideratione of the saidis expensis and to graunt recompense for the same. And the lyke done to the Erle of Mar for his patent of leather.

Commissione for manufactories red, voitted and past in parliament, and referris the nominatioune of the commissioners to the counsale.

Act anent the bleitching and breadth of linning cloath red, voitted and past in parliament to haif beginning at Lambmes nixt.

Act discharging the lordis sentence silver and twelfe pennies of the pound red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act in favours of the towne of Glasgow, geving thame libertie to choyse thair awin magistratis, red, voitted and past in parliament, whairunto the Lord Duke of Lennox, personallie present, gave consent and Patrik Bell, commissioner and provest of Glasgow, askit instrumentis for the said towne.

[Commission approved; act approved; acts read and ordered to be taken into further consideration]

Commissione for visitatioune of the Universitie of Sanct Andrewis red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent wairdlandis haldin of the king and prince, reducing the act 1633, red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act discharging the two and ane halfe of the hundreth and four lib. upon the tun of wyne being red in parliament, his majestie declairit that he will consent thairto upon this conditioune: that commissioune and warrand be grauntit to the exchekquhair to establish the booke of raittis according as the pryces of merchandice now rewlls, whairin the king permitted the optioune to the borrowis and they promised to advyse thairupon whill the morne.

Act anent mortificatiounes, that they be not abused, red and continewed whill the morne.

Act anent the breadth of plaiding red, voitted and past in parliament to haif beginning at Lambmes nixt.

Act in favours of orphanes anent heritable and moveable sowmes red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent the superiorities of lands haldin of collegiate kirks and provestries red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent the discharge of penall statuttis red, voitted and past in parliament.

[Supplication read and witness cited before the privy council; commissions and acts remitted to the privy council; acts approved]

Supplicatione be Moynes against Glengarie, being moved in parliament, they ordaine the Laird of Glengarie to compeir befoir the counsale the first counsale day, and ordanes his cautione to stand whill that tyme.

[Repeated date]4

Commissioune for the brokin men and commissione for leveing of sexscoir men, being moved to the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament, they remitt the same to the secret counsale with this declaratioune: that whatsomever the counsale shall conclude and inact thairin shall haif the authoritie, force and validitie of ane act of parliament.

Act allowing the intromissione with the kingis rentis red, voitted and past in parliament, whairunto the kingis majestie consented upon conditione that compt be maid thairof in exchekquhair.

Act for selling yairne be weight red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act discharging the registratione of comprysingis red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent the coper coyne, being moved to the kingis majestie and estats of parliament, they remitt the same to the counsale to sett downe ane good and solid cours and ordour thairanent.

Act anent the loyall packing of salmond red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent the exsyse hering red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act discharging the importatione of strong waters red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent the superioritie of landis quhilks formerlie held of bishopis to be now haldin of the king red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act discharging the mixing of leid with tin red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent the electione of the president in all parliamentis red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent the taking ordour with rebellis and bringing thame in, being moved to the kingis majestie and parliament, who remittis the consideratione thairof and to take course heirin to the secret counsale.

Act geving ordour to the Lord Lindsay to give out all cocquettis within the regalitie of Sanct Andrewis in his majesties name, quhilks he was formerlie accustomed to give out in name of the Archbishop of Sanct Andrewis, granted be his majestie and parliament.

Act anent coilyears red, voitted and past in parliament.

[Act remitted to the lord advocate to be amended; acts approved; protest against]

Act anent assythementis of pairties gevin to the advocat to be rectified.

Act ordaning the persewer of ane thiefe to be restored agane red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent advocationes red, voitted and past in parliament, and Sir Thomas Hoip protested that the same be without prejudice of the priviledgis of the colledge of justice.

Act anent the cocquett red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act anent the destroying of planting red, voitted and past in parliament.

Act discharging the transportatione of eggis red, voitted and past in parliament.

[Supplications read and warrants granted for prisoners' release; liberty granted to those cited who are outwith the country; supplications remitted to the exchequer]

Supplicatione be Sir Robert Spottiswoode and Sir Jhone Hay, craving inlargement, red in audience of his majestie and estaittis of parliament, who ordanes the supplicants to be putt to libertie, they finding cautione to behave thameselfis in such ane quiett maner as may conduce most for the peace of the kingdome and according to the actis of parliament, quhairin gif they failyie, the favour graunted to thame be the king and parliament to be null. And als finding cautione to appeir befoir the committe whensoever they shall be requyrit.

Supplicatione be the Erle of Montrose, Lord Naper, Lairdis of Keir and Blakhall, desyring to be inlarged upon securitie, graunted upon the lyke cautione and delyverance.

The lyke cautione to be tane of Lieutenant Colonell Walter Stewart and he to be inlarged.

Concerning these who ar out of the countrie and cited to returne, the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament grauntis thame libertie to returne agane to the kingdome, they finding the lyke cautione with the lyke certificatione befoir the counsale.

Two supplicationes be Maistir Alexander Colvill and Maistir James Robertone, justice deputtis, being moved to his majestie and estaittis of parliament craving their bygane fies, they remitt the same to the exchekquhair.

[Supplication for payment of losses granted; supplications read and warrants granted for prisoners' release; recommendation to the parliament of England granted]

Supplicatione be Alexander Cunynghame, craving payment of his losis extending to 430 lib. sterlin, being moved to the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament, they ordane the said sowme of 430 lib. to be payed to the supplicant for the causis contained in the petitione.

Supplicatione be the Erle of Crawfurd, craving to be liberate of his restraint, being moved to the parliament, the Marquis of Hamiltone, the Erles of Argyle and Lanerik earneastlie entreated the kingis majestie to liberate the said supplicant and all others who wer restrained upon the late 'Incident', whairupon the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament ordanes him to be putt to friedome and libertie.

Supplicatione be Lieutenant Colonell Jhone Monro, desyring to be5 putt to libertie, being moved to the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament, they ordane him to be putt to libertie.

Supplicatione be Captane Williame Stewart, craving ane recommendatione for his father and himselfe to the parliament of Ingland for his losis in Irland, being moved to the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament, they graunt the recommendatione thairinmentionate and appoint the same to be drawin up.

[Supplications remitted to the privy council; supplications remitted to the committee for regulating the common burdens; supplication remitted to the exchequer]

Supplicatione be the Erle of6 Nithisdaill, complaining of the not implement of some conditiones of agriement, being moved to his majestie and estaittis of parliament, they remitt the same to the counsale.

Supplicatione be Sir James Ramsay, colonell, craving reparatione of his losis, being moved to the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament, they remitt the same to the committe nominate for the common burthenis.

Supplicatione be the Lord Sinclair, craving that consideratione may be had of his service and he exonered, being moved to the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament, they remitt the same to the committe nominate for the common burthenis.

Supplicatione be Jhone Stewart against Sir Robert Dowglas, craving compt and reckoning, being moved to the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament, they remitt the same to the secreit counsale.

Supplicatione be Williame Dik anent the custome of ammunitione, being moved to the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament, they remitt the same to the exchekquhair.

Supplicatione be Williame Dik, James Ferquhar and others, craving ane recommendatione to the parliament of Ingland for ane ship and the loading takin from thame be the Inglish, being moved to the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament, they remitt the same to the secrett counsale.

Supplicatione be widow Hunter and her children against James Crichtone, craving to be repossest of hir landis and to haif hir evidentis delyvered, being moved to his majestie and estaittis, they remitt the same to the lords of secreitt counsale.

Supplicatioune be Anna Inglis against the Laird of Aiket, hir husband, craving ane modificatione, being moved in audience of his majestie and estaitts of parliament, they remitt the same to the lords of counsale in statu quo nunc est.

Supplicatione be [...] Currour against the Laird of Phillorth, craving restitutione of some cornes and goodis takin and that the partie may be punished, being moved to his majestie and estaittis, they remitt the same to the lords of secreitt counsale.

Supplicatione be Jean Auchinmowtie against the persone of Benholme, craving ane modificatione for hir maintenance, being moved to his majestie and estaittis of parliament, they remitt the same to the secreitt counsale.

Supplicatione be James Sinclair of Skalloway and Jhone Edmonstone, minister, against Jhone Mowat and others, craving redres of some insolencies committed in Yetland etc., being moved to his majestie and estaittis of parliament, they remitt the same to the lords of secreit counsale. Quhairin Maistir James Baird, procurator for the supplicant, protested for the expensis of the witnesis and pairties inrespect of thair long attendance heir in towne, and Maistir Roger Mowat and Robert7 Hepburne, procurators for the defender, protested in the contraire and that thair defensis may be reseaved and heard befoir any witnesis be receaved.

Supplicatione be [...] McLaud against the Erle of Seafort, craving repossessione to his lands etc., being moved to his majestie and estaittis of parliament, they remitt the same to the lords of secreitt counsale.

Supplicatione be the Laird of Wauchtoune against Maistir James Raith of Edmeistone, desyring libertie to leid his awin teyndis upon cautione, being moved to his majestie and estaittis of parliament, they remitt the same to the lords of secreit counsale.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 15 1641', f.1(b) r - 'November 16 1641', f.1(b) r.
  2. Not in manuscript. Inserted in APS only.
  3. 'Refers to the counsale the nominatione of those who shall be appointed to visite the Universitie of St Andreowis', deleted.
  4. Since this day's remaining business is written on a new leaf of paper, '16 November 1641' and 'Rege Presente' are repeated at the top of the first page.
  5. 'to be' repeated.
  6. 'the Erle of' repeated.
  7. 'Adam' in the main act.