[Committee ordered to meet; nomination of committee to treat with the English commissioners continued; ratification remitted to each estate]

Rege presente.

Appointis the committe for the kirk to meitt this efternoone at thrie hours.

Appointis the severall estaittis to be readie to give thair answer upon Thurisday nixt anent the commissione for the remanent treattie.

Ratificatione of ane presentatione to Maistir David Drummond of the kirk of Creif delyvered to Maistir Robert Dalgleish, that he may give ane copie thairof to the severall estaittis.

[Supplications read and continued; act for changing of the terms continued; diet for hearing the commissary-general's accounts; continuation]

Supplicatione be the Erle of Crawfuird, desyring to be liberate inrespect he hath bein examined and hath declaired his knowledge and trewth of the bussines, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who continewis to give answer thairunto till Thurisday nixt.

Continewis to give answer to the act anent the change of the termes till Thurisday nixt.

Supplicatione be the Laird of Craigivar and Jhone Forbes of Aslowne, desyring that some moneyis payed be thame at command of the committe to Rutmaister Forbes may be allowed to thame in thair tent and twentie pennies, and the commissioneris dischargit to charge thame for the same, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who continewis to give answer thairunto till Thurisday nixt, and in the mein tyme commandis the generall commissioneris that the supplicants sustaine no prejudice.

The generall commissioneris earnestlie desyrit his majestie and parliament that they wald tak some speedie cours for heiring his accomptis and disburthening him of the same. His majestie and estaittis ordaines ane maissir to wairne the auditours of the saidis accomptis to meitt in the high old tolbuith the morne at nyne hours.

Adjornis the parliament to Thurisday at ten hours.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'October 22 1641', f.1(a) v.