[Answer to remonstrance from the English commissioners for disbanding regiments and demolishing fortifications remitted to the lord general and chancellor; continuation]

Rege presente.

Anent the desyre presented be the Inglish commissioners, desyring that the regimentis quhilks ar yit on foote may be disbandit and fortificatiounes slighted conforme to the treatie, seing the lyke is done in Ingland, the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament appointis the lords generall and chancellar to take the said desyre to thair consideratioune and to think upon the answer thairof, and to report the same to the kingis majestie and parliament.

Continewis the parliament till Tuesday nixt at nyne hours befoir noone, and appointis the estaittis then to meitt.

[Supplication to the Earl of Crawford read and refused; petition of General Ruthven continued]

Supplicatioune be the Erle of Crawfuird, desyring heiring or libertie upon cautioune for his compeirance, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who refuisis the desyre thairof bot permittis Robert Fletcheour to speik with the supplicant in audience of James Murray.

Sir Thomas Hoip presented ane supplicatione from Generall Ruthven desyring permissioune to come to Scotland for his privat affairs, and shew that the lord generall desyred him to present the same to the parliament, quhilk being red was continewed till Tuesday.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'October 14 1641', f.1(a) v.