[Report of the committee for the distressed ministers in the north approved; supplication remitted to the committee for the bills; supplication remitted to the lord advocate]

Rege presente.

The report of the committe for the ministeris of the north for Maistir Alexander Pitcarne, minister of Tannadyce, aganes Ramsay of Ogill, appointing the band to stand whill the 8 of Januar nixt, betuix and the quhilk the persewer to doe diligence for preving the defender to be lyable for the wrongis, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who approvis the same and ordanes ane act to be extracted thairupon.

Supplicatione be the Laird of Frendraucht against the Marquis of Huntlie remitted to the comitte of billis for graunting citatione.

Supplicatione for the exsyse herring, desyring ane liquidatioune of the dewis exacted for the same, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who appoints the kingis advocat to sie the decreit of secret counsale thairinmentioned.

[Supplication remitted to the committee for the army; supplication remitted to Robert Hepburn]

Supplicatione be the heritours of the Merse, desyring Monro his regiment to be removed, red and remitted to the committe for the armie.

Supplicatione be the Laird of Craigmiller, desyring ane signatour graunted to Sir [...] Hamiltone to be stayed unpast the exchekquhair, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, and the coppie thairof gevin to Robert Hepburne to sie for Sir James Hamiltone.

[Overture for the election of Lord Loudoun as chancellor continued; commission for hearing the commissary-general's accounts appointed]

Overture be Sir Thomas Hoip for the barones for electione of the Lord Lowdone to be chancellar, the king and estaitts remaining in statu quo nunc for the remanent officiars, red and continewed till the morne to be advysit be his majestie and estaittis.

His majestie and estaittis of parliament appointis ane commissione to be graunted to the persones underwritten for heiring the generall commissioneris accomptis, viz: the Lords Angus, Montgomerie, Flemyng, Maitland, Carnegie, Elcho for the nobilitie; the Lairds of Barganie, Lawers, Kilbirnie, Rowallane, [...] for the gentrie; George Suttie, James Roucheid, Johne Bining, James Sword, Robert Flemyng and Jhone Jowsie for the borrowis, or any thrie of ilk estaite.

[Addition to the committee for the distressed ministers in the north; supplications regarding the pay of the army remitted to each estate]

Adjoynis the Erle of Perth and Vicounte of Stormonth to the committe for the north, which appointis to meitt efternoone.

Supplicatioune be some lieutenent colonells and majors of the armie, desyring pay as captans for thair companies, conforme to the custome universallie observed in all other places, red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who appointis evrie estaite to haif ane copie thairof, and that Humbie may haif the actis of the committe for that subject in readines whensoever the same is requyrit.

Anent the supplicatione presented be the officiars within the countrie, craving some course to be takin for thair pay, appointis everie estaite to haif ane dowble thairof to be advysit.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 29 1641', f.1(a) r.