The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 20 September 2024
[The bodies ordered to meet regarding the estates' veto over officers of state; supplications read and warrant granted for payment of army]
Rege presente.
Appointis everie estaite to meitt at two houris, that thair commissioneris may be readie to goe to his majestie about four or fyve houris to prepaire and facilitate thair answer to his majesties demand whither the officiaris nominate be him ar fitt or not.
Supplicatione be the officiaris of the armie desyring payment of thair haill arrieris, togidder with the report from the committee for the armie, togidder als with ane supplicatioune from William Thomesone, desyring ordours and resolutione anent some questione quhilk will aryse in the payment of officiaris, red in audience of his majestie, quha approvis the overture of the committe for the payment of all officiaris and for the maner of borrowing money to pay the soldiouris, and gevis ordour to William Thomesone to pay the officiars conforme to his warrand.
[Auditors for the commissary-general's accounts; commissions granted; exoneration of the carriage of commissioner in the treaty negotiations granted]
The estaittis promeist to think apairt upon the auditouris for the generall commissar accompte at his most earnest desyre.
Commissione graunted for transportatioune of Jhone and Thomas Blakis to Edinburgh to be tryed befoir the justice.
Commissione graunted for tryall of Helen Moyis, accused for the murther of hir awne child.
Supplicatioune be Maistir Alexander Hendersone, craving exoneratioune and approbatioune of his cariage in the negociatione of the treatie, red in audience of his majestie and estaittis, who grauntis the desyre thairof and appoyntis ane act to be drawin thairupon.
[Warrant granted to the town of Edinburgh for receiving a prisoner in the tolbooth]
Warrand graunted to the provest and baillies of Edinburgh to receave within thair tolbuith and wardhous from the Laird of Lamingtone, Archibald Campbell, who is apprehendit be him for killing umquhile Mungo Watsone.
- NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641', f.1(b) v.