The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 13 September 2024
[Supplication read and approved; letter of recommendation to the estates of Holland remitted to each estate]
Rege presente.
Supplicatione from James [...], craving dispensatione to the shirref of Edinburgh for sitting to serve him air to his father, red and granted.
Letter of recommendatioune from his majestie and parliament to the estaittis of Holland in favouris of the relict of Sir James Ramsay red and one copie thairof appointed to be gevin to everie estate.
[Debate regarding the estates' veto in the appointment of officers of state, council and session continued; letters for the disbanding of the English army]
His majestie and estaittis of parliament continewis whill the morne to advyse upon the resolutione anent his majesties answer to the demand concerning the officiaris of estate, counsale and sessione.
Mentione being maid of the letteris from the Lord Maitland anent the disbanding of the Inglish armie.
[Committees and the bodies ordered to meet; overtures concerning manufactories remitted to each estate and the lord advocate]
Appointis the morne efternoone for meitting anent the billis and this efternoone ilk estaite to meitt be thameselfis upon the demand, answer and queries gevin in anent the electione of officiaris of estate, counsale and sessione and that till fyve hours at night, and then appointis the committe for the armie to meitt.
Overturis concerning manufactories red, and ane copie appointed to be gevin to ilk estate to be advysed and ane copie to the kingis advocat.
[Supplications remitted to the committee for the disorders in the north; supplication and protest read and remitted to the Earl of Roxburghe; letter to be written to Lord Maitland]
Supplicatioune be some ministeris of the north, complaining upon the disorderis and injuries done be the highlandmen, red in audience of the king and parliament, who appointis the ministeris to joyne with such of the parliament as shall be nominated for the committe, to consider upon the reddiest way to repair and prevent disorderis.
Supplicatioune be the Laird of Edzell, complaining of the great losis sustained be himselfe and his tennentes from the highland men, red and remitted to the committee appointed for the north.
Supplicatioune be the heritouris of the baronie of Askirk, desyring that the article anent the erectione of Nether Ancrum in the heid burgh of thare baronies may not be graunted bot continewed till they be called, red with ane protestatione and procuratorie, quhilkis wer appointed to be shewin to the Erle of Roxburgh.
His majestie and estaittis of parliament commandis the lord president to wryte unto the Lord Maitland to stay whill the eightene day of this moneth be past.
- NAS, PA6/4, 'September 3 1641', f.1(a) v-1(b) r.