[Warrant for appending the great seal to the treaty of London granted; supplications read and privileges of macers of parliament determined]

Rege presente.

Warrand to the director of the chancellarie for appending the greate seale to the treattie and anent the wordis to be prefixed and subjoyned thairto subscryved be the president and delyvered to the directour of the chancellarie.

The estaittis of parliament, haifing taken to thair consideratione the mutuall supplicationes from the Erle of Mershell and from the maissiris of counsale and sessioune anent thair libertie of staying within the hous, with the haill reassones gevin in hinc inde for the same, and haifing hard the maissirs viva voce, they ordaine the maissiris to stay without the dooris of the parliament hous and attend thair till they be callit in to receave thair directiounes from the president or clerkis. And allowis the Erle of Mershell only to haif one servant within the hous, who shall call in the maissiris be directione, and appointis the maissiris only to attend at committees, bot not the Erle of Mershellis servantis.

[Act read and continued; ratification remitted to each estate; continuation]

Act dismembring Lillillie, Eskirk, Ancrum etc., from the regalitie of Glasgow red and continewed till Wednesday nixt, that the commissioneris for the shirrefdome of Roxburgh or towne of Jedburgh may be advysit thairwith, and that they and all otheris who haif interest to object against the same may be hard that day peremptourlie.

Ratificatione of the priviledgis of the colledge of justice red and appointed to be gevin to ilk estate to be advysed.

The estaittis continewis the meitting for the billis whill Wednesday next in the efternoone, and this efternoone appointis each estaite to meitt be thameselfis.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 3 1641', f.1(a) r.