[Publication of the acts of June 1640; act read and approved]

Rege presente.

Anent the publicatione of the actis of parliament, the kingis majestie and estaittis of parliament ordaines the act subscryved be the king and president commanding the clerk to caus publish and print the actis daitted in June 1640 to be first published and then the saidis haill actis verbatim as they stand, without additione or change of ane word.

Act discharging unlawfull marriages without the kingdome red, voitted and past in parliament.

[Acts read and remitted to each estate; acts read and continued]

Act for punishing these who destroyis dyking and planting red in audience of his majestie and estaittis of parliament, and ane copie appointed to be gevin to everie estaite that they may be advysed thairwith.

Act anent plaiding, linnen cloth and yairne red and continewed whill the morne.

Act anent the immunitie of memberis of parliament red and continewed whill the morne, that the borrowis may be advysed thairwith.

Act appointing citationes against thame of Lillieslie, Ancrum etc. to be at the croce of Nether Ancrum red and gevin to Mynto for the Duke of Lenox, to be advysit whill the morne.

Act anent the loyall packing of herring red and appointed to be shewin to any of the estaittis who desyres the samyn.

Act anent armories red and continewed to be advysed whill the morne.

Act anent the fynnes of silver and gold work red and appointed to be shewin to everie estaite.

Act exeming viccarage assigned and providit to ministeris for an pairt of thair stipend from taxatione red and appointed to be showin to the advocat.

Act for abolishing monumentis of idolatrie red and the clerk of the assemblie appointed to condiscend upon the particularis.

Act anent giftis of escheit upon horning efter excommunicatione red and appointed to be shewin to the advocat.

Act discharging suspensiones of ministeris stipendis red and continewed whill the morne.

Act discharging all patronages of papistis and non covenanteris red and continewed to be advysed whill the morne.

Act anent the baronis casting lottis for places in parliament red and continewed till the morne.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 28 1641', f.4(a) v-4(b) r.