Act appoynting the nixt parliament to conveene the first Tuysday of June 1644

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament, considdering that forsameekle as by the act of parliament made in the sessioune of this present parliament haldine at Edinburghe in June jM vjC fourtie, anent trienniall parliamentes, it is statute and ordeanit that before the closour of everie parliament the day of the nixt subsequent parliament shall be condishend wpoun, and because this present parliament is this day by the assistance of God Allmightie and his majesties great wisdome to be brought to ane happie conclusioune, therfore his majestie and estates foirsaidis appoynt and ordeane the first Tuysday of the moneth of June in anno jM vjC fourtie four yeeres to be the day of meeting and conveeneing of the nixt trienniall parliament, but prejudice allwayes to his majestie to appoynt any dyets of parliament betuixt and that day as his majestie shall thinke fitting; and ordeanes all the memberes of parliament to meet and conveene at Edinburghe the said first Tuysday of June 1644 yeeres, and all otheres persones interest, without ony other or farder warneing and premonitione to be made for that effect, declairing heerby that the publication of this act, with the rest of the actes of this present sessioun, shall be alse sufficient for meeting and conveeneing of the haill memberes of parliament as if all former solemnities wer wsit, whairanent his majestie and estates heerby dispenses.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.368r.