Protestatioun Erle of Southeske againes the ratificatioune in favoures of the ministeres of Brechine, with the commissioner of Brichines protestatioun in the contraire

In presence of the kingis majestie and estates of parliament David, erle of Southeske, personallie present, protestit that the ratificatione granted in this present parliament in favors of the ministeres of Brichine of the gifte and dispositione granted to them be his majestie of the stipendis therinspecified out of the rentes of the beshoprike of Brichine sould be allwayes but prejudice of the gifte and dispositione granted be his majestie to Sir Alexander Carnagie of Ballnamoone anent the kirke of Carrestoun, and alse but prejudice of any rightes, takes or infeftmentes granted to the said Erle of Southeske or Sir Alexander Carnagie of any pairt of the patrimonie of the beshoprike of Brechine or teyndis therof; and therupoun askit instrumentes. Lykeas Robert Dempster, commissioner for the said burgh of Brichine, personallie present, in name and behalfe of the proveest, baillies, counsell and commontie of the said burghe and ministeres therof, protestit in the contrair of the foirsaid protestatione abovewrittin; and therwpoun lykewayes askit instrumentes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.364v-365r.