Protestatioune Marques of Argyle againes the Erle of Seaforthes ratification

In the parliament haldin at Edinburghe, the sevinteene day of November, the yeer of God jM vjC fourtie ane yeeres, the quhilke day Archbald, marques of Argyle, erle of Kintyre, lord Lorne, protestit that the ratificatione granted in favoures of George, erle of Seaforth, lord McKeinzie of Kintaill, off the chartour and infeftment granted be our soverane lord to the said George, erle of Seaforth off the landis and barrony of the Lewes, comprehending the particular landis and otheres comprehendit therintill, lyand within the shereffdome of Innernes, with the reservationes mentionat in the samene chartour, quhilke chartour is daited the therteene day of Merche, jM vjC therttie sevine yeeres, togidder with the contract mad betuixt the kingis majestie one the ane pairt and the said George, erle of Seaforthe one the wther pairt, daited at Theobaldis and Edinburghe, the [...] day of October, jM vjC therttie sex yeeres, and the said therteene day of Merche, jM vjC therttie sevine yeeres, with the procuratorie and instrument of resignatione wherwpoun the foirsaid chartour proceedit, togidder with the precept and instrument of seasing falloweing therwpoun, as the said act of ratificatione in the selfe more fullie proportes and beeres, sould be allwayes without prejudice to the said Marques of Argyle, his aires and successoures, anent the infeftmentes and rightes of the heritable office of justiciarie of the foirsaidis landis and barrony of Lewes and haill priviledgs, liberties, immunities and casualities belonging to the said office of justiciarie, and that the samene infeftmentes and rightes granted and perteaneing to the said Marques of Argyle and his foirsaidis theranent be nowayes prejudged, hurt nor onywayes impaired be the foirsaids chartour and infeftment granted to the said Erle of Seaforth, contract, procuratorie and instrument of resignatione wherwpoun the samene proceedit, with the precept and instrument of seasing abovementionat falloweing therwpoun, nor be the foirsaid ratificatione therof abovespecified; and heirupoun the said Archbald, marques of Argyle, personallie present in parliament, askit instrumentes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.363v-364r.