Protestatioune Laird of Ballmaine contrair the Laird of Panmures ratificatioune

In presence of the kingis majestie and estates of parliament compeired Sir Gilbert Ramsay of Ballmayne and protestit that the ratificatione granted in this present parliament in favours of Patrike Mauld of Panmure of his infeftment of the lordshipe of Brechine and Navarr, with the heritable offices of constabularie of Brechine and justiciarie within the said lordshipe and otheres contenit in the said ratificatioune, sould be allwayes but prejudice to him, his aires and successoures anent any infeftments and other rightes granted to him, his authoures and predicessours; and therwpoun askit instrumentes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.363v.