Ratificatione in favoures of Williame Scott and his bretherine

Our soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of this present parliament, be thir presentes, ratifies and approves the lettir patent wnder the great seale of the dait the tuentie sext day of August, the yeer of God jM vjC fourtie ane yeeres, anent the testimoniall of the genologie of Williame Scott, president and counsellour of the estates of Holland in Braseill, Everard Scott, resident in Amsterdame, and of James Scott, indueller in Rowane, testifieing them to be laufull sones to James Scott, indueller in Harlem in Holland, and oyes to James Scott, in dueller in Delft in Holland, and that ther granseir wes ane of the lauchfull sones of Patricke Scott of Monnie, laufullie procreat betuixt him and umquhile Katherine Drumond, laufull dochter to the Laird of Balloch, quhilke Johne Scott hade ane elder brother callit Maister Patrike Scott of Monnie, in all and sindrie poyntes, articles and clauss thairincontenit; and declaires and ordeanes that this present ratificatione shall be alse valied and sufficient in all respectes as if the samene wer at lenth insert heerintill de verbo in verbum. And lykewayes his majestie, with consent foirsaid, declaires and ordeenes the foirsaidis letters patentes, testimonialles anent the genealogie of the said William Scott and his bretherine, togidder with this present ratificatione therof, shall be alse valied, laufull and sufficient ad omnes effectus to the said Williame Scott and to his saidis brethir germane, and to ther childrine and posteritie, as if the saidis Williame and his saidis brether and ther saidis umquhile father and guidsher had all beene borne in Scotland.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.354r.