The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 13 September 2024
Ratificatione in favoures of the toune of Bruntyland of ane act of exchekker
Our soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estats presentlie conveened in parliament, ratifies and approves the act past in exchekker anent the declaratione of James Mellvill of Hallhill in favoures of the burghe of Bruntiland, quhairof the tennour fallowes, viz.: Apud Dalkeith decimo sexto die mensis Januarii anno domini millesimo sexesimo trigesimo octavo. The quhilke day the lordis of excheker sittand in full nomber anent the oppositione made be the baillies of Bruntiland to the passing of the Laird of Hallhilles signatour, compeired personallie James Mellvill of Hallhill and judiciallie declaired that the said signator presentlie past in his favoures wnder the name of pertinentes is not includit nor comprehendit the burghe of Bruntiland, nor port of the same and priviledges perteaneing therto, and sicklyke declaires that the de novodamus conteinit in the said signatour sould not be usit aganes the said burghe of Bruntiland nether be way of actione nor exceptione in sua fare as consernes the multores of the said burghe conteynt in the said gifte de novodamus, bot according to the former rightes of the saidis multoures standing in the persone of the said Laird of Hallhill and his predicessoures befor the dait of the said gifte de novodamus without ony farder strenthening therof in prejudice of the said burgh and ther priviledges, be vertew of the said gifte de novodamus, in sua farr as concernes the saidis multoures, quhairwpoun the saidis lordis ordeaned this present act to be mad. Extractum de libris actorum sccaccarii per me dominum Joannem Hay de Baro, militem clericum rotulatorum registri ac consilii supremi domini nostri regis sub meis signo et subscriptione manualibus, sic subscribitur, Joanes Hay, clericus registri. And our soverane lord, with advyse and consent foirsaid, ordeanes the foirsaid act of excheker to have the force and strenth of ane act of parliament in all tymecomeing, and sicklyke our soverane lord, with advyse foirsaid, be thir presentes, declaires that Sir James Mellvill, sone and apparent air to the said James Mellvill of Hallhill, his father, the assumeing to himselfe the style of Bruntyland, knycht, shall nawayes be hurtfull nor prejudiciall to the liberties and priviledges granted or to be granted be the kingis majestie and his most noble progenitoures King James the Fyfte and King James the Sext of most blissed memorie, or any of the abbotes of Dumfermeling, or any other persone or persones, to and in favoures of the said burghe of Bruntyland at any tyme of befor and in all tymecomeing.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.335r-335v.