Ratificatione in favoures of James Peirsone of his infeftmente of Auchtermeggetes

Our soverane lord, with the advyse and consent of the estates of this present parliament, wnderstanding that be vertew and conforme to ane act of the parliament past in the parliament haldine at Edinburghe wpoun the fourt day of August jM vjC tuentie ane yeeres, in favoures of umquhile Johne, lait pretendit archbeshope of Saint Androis, for feweing of his waird landis of the said beshoprike, all and haill the landis and barrony of Auchtermeggettes, wtherwayes callit Bellmades, with the mylnelandis, multoures and sequelles therof, and with the maner place of the samene, houss, biggingis, yairdis, orchyairdis, toftes, croftes, outsettes, pairtes, pendicles, annexis, connexis, dependences, tennents, tennendrie and service of free tennentes and all ther pertinents whatsomevir, lyand within the parochine of Rescobie, regalitie of Santandrois and shereffdome of Forfarr, quhilkis of old wer haldine taxt waird of the said archbeshoprike of Sanctandrois, and be ane chartour granted be the said Johne, lait pretendit archbeshop of Santandrois, off the dait the sexteene day of Junii jM vjC tuentie four yeeres, were set in fewferme to Alexander Peirsone, elder, of Auchtermeggetties, and umquhile Issobell Beatoune, his spous, in lyferent, and James Peirsone, ther eldest laufull sone and appeirand air, his aires and assigneyes in fie, to be haldine of the said Johne, late pretendit beshope of Saint Androis, with consent of the chapter of the metropolitane kirke of Sanct Androis and his successoures, for the yeerlie payment of the soume of tuelff pundis in augmentation of the old rentall and of the soume of eight pundis, extending in the haill to the soume of tuentie pundis usuall money of this realme of Scotland, at tua termes in the yeer, Whitsonday and Mertimes in winter, be equall portiones, and dowbland the said fewferme of tuelffe pundis allenerlie the first yeere of the entrie of everie air to the saidis landis for there entress, with commone sute in the said archbeshope courtes in Rescobie, as the infeftment and seasing fallowing wpoun the said chartour at mair lenth proportes: the right of the quhilke fewferme of the landis and others abovespecified is now established to the full in the persone of the said James Persone, his aires and assigneyes. Therfore, our said soverane lord, with advyse and consent foirsaid, ratifies and approves the said chartour of fewferme of the landis and otheres foirsaids of the dait abovespecifeid, with the instrument of seasing falloweing therwpoun, and lykewayes the said chartour granted be the said Johne, lait pretendit beshope of Sanct Androis, with consent of the said chapter of the said metropolitane kirke of Sanct Androis, off the dait the tuentie day of October jM vjC therttie fyve yeeres, confirmeand ane chartour of alienatione of the landis and otheres foirsaidis made be William Grim2 to the said James Peirsone, now of Ballmedies, his aires, successoures and assigneyes of the landis and otheres abovespecifeid, to be haldine of the said Johne, lait pretendit archbeshope of Sanct Androis, and his successoures in fewferme, for payment of the fewdewtie abovementionat, and conteaneing ane new gifte and in fewferme locatione granted and set to the said James Peersone and his foirsaidis of the landis and otheres abovementionat, in ample forme, with suppliment of all defectes and imperfectiones, to be holdine of the said Johne, late pretendit archbeshope of Sanct Androis, and his successoures in few ferme for payment of the few dewtie above expremt, with all otheres infeftmentes and right made to the said James Persone and his said father and the said Williame Grim or any of them, ther aires and assigneyes off and wpoun the landis and otheres abovespecifeid haldine in fewferme as said is, in all and sindrie poyntes, articles and clauss therinconteaned. And declaires this present ratificatione thairof to be alse sufficient in all respectes as if the saidis chartours and others rightes wer all at lenth insert heerintill, dispensing heerby with the not inserting therof, and also findis, declaires and ordeanes the samene infeftmentes and securities foirsaidis to be sufficient and valied rightes wherby the saidis James Persone and his foirsaidis may peaceablie bruike and joyse the landis and otheres abovementionat with the pertinentes haldine in fewferme as said is in all tymecomeing.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.317r-318r.
  2. The words 'of the landis and otheres forsaidis' are repeated in the manuscript. APS inserts the words 'merchant burges in Montrois' in square brackets at this point.