Ratificatione in favoures of the Erle of Kinnoulle of his infeftment of the barrony of Dupling, with a dissolution

Our soverane lord, with consent of the estates of this present parliament, be thir presentes, ratifies and approves the chartour made and granted be his majestie wnder his hienes great seale to umquhile George, erle of Kinnoulle etc., therin designed Sir George Hay of Kinfaunes, knycht, heiche chancellor of this realme for the tyme, his aires maill and assigneyes, off the barronie of Dupline, comprehending the baronie of Abirdagie and Dupline thairinmentionat, the landis of Overcairdnay, with the mure and moss therof, the landis wheron the wood grewe callit the Wodland, the landis of the chappell callit the Chappell Land of the Mure, the landis of Dallquhoroquhy, with the mylne and mylne landis therof, with the office of bailliarie of the saidis landis of Overcairdny, Wodland, Chappel Landis of the Mure and Dallquhorroquhy, with the mylne and mylne landis therof, and certane otheres landis and others therinexprest, off the dait the tuentie nynt day of Julii jM vjC tuentie sex yeeres, with the precept and instrument of seasing fallowing therwpoun, and with the seasing therof now givine to George, now erle of Kinnoull etc., as air to the said umquhile George, erle of Kinnoule, his father, in all and sindrie poyntes, heedis, articles and clauss thairinconteaned, efter the formes and tennoures thairof, and declaires, statutes and ordeanes that this present generall ratificatione therof shall be als good and sufficient in all respectes as if the samene wer at lenth insert heerintill, dispensand be thir presentes with the not inserting thairof heerintill. And farder, for the good service done to his majestie and his heenes umquhile father of worthie memorie be the said George, now erle of Kinnoule, and be the said umquhile George, erle of Kinnoull, lait chancellour of this realme, his father, and be his majesties right trust cusigne and counsellor Williame, erle of Mortoun etc., fra whom the said George, erle of Kinnoule acquyred the landis and otheres above and eftirspecifeit, and who is obleist in warrandice to him thairof, and for great and seene reassonable causes of this realme, his majestie, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates of parliament, be thir presentes, dissolves the foirsaidis landis of Overcairdny, with the mure and moss therof, Wodland, the Chappell Land of the Mure, Dallquhorrochie, with the mylne and mylne landis thairof, the foirsaid office of bailliarie of the saidis lands of Overcairdny, Wodelande, Chappell Land of the Mure and Dallquhorroquhy, with the mylne and mylne landis thairof, fra his majesties croun and patrimony thairof, to the effect that the samene may remaine perpetuallie with the said Erle of Kinnoule, his aires maill and assigneyes, to be bruikit be him conforme to thair severall former infeftmentes and rightes thairof in all tyme comeing; or if need bees that his majestie may of new give, grant and dispone the samene to the said George, now erle of Kinnoule, his aires maill and assigneyes foirsaidis, to be holdine of his majestie and his successoures in maner and for payment of the dewties particularlie mentionat and set doune in the said chartour made in favoures of the said umquhile George, erle of Kinnoull allenerlie, but payment of any other dewties or service nor is particularlie exprest in the samene chartour, viz: for the foirsaids landis of Overcairdny with the mure and moss thairof, the foirsaidis landis callit the Wodeland, the foirsaidis landis of the chappell callit the Chappell Land of the Mure, with the pertinentes, the soume of fourtie merkis usuall money of this realme of Scotland, with the soume of ten shillingis money foirsaid for the capones, pultrie, arrages, careages and all other services usit and wont to be payed for the samene at tua termes in the yeere, Whitsonday and Mertimes in winter, be equall portiones in name of fewferme, as the old maill and deutie usit to be payed for the landis and otheres immediatlie abovewrittin; togidder with the soume of therttie three shillingis four pennyes money foirsaid as the old augmentatione of the rentall useit to be payed for the samene landis and otheres abovespecified; togidder with the soume of sex shillingis eight pennyes money foirsaid in new augmentatione of the rentall of the landis and otheres immediatlie abovewrittin at the termes abovementionat; as also giveand three suites at three heed courtes to be haldine yeerlie at the abbay of Inchchafray, and als the aires maill of the said George, now erle of Kinnoule, doubland the said fewferme and augmentatione the first yeer of there entrie to the landis and otheres immediatlie abovewrittin, with the pertinentes as use is of fewferme allenerlie; for the foirsaid office of bailliarie within the boundis abovementionat of the foirsaidis landis of Overcairdny, Wodeland, Chappell Land of the Mure and Dallquhorrochquy, with the mylne and mylne landis therof and ther pertinentes, with all priviledges, liberties and immunities perteaneing and belonging thairto within the boundis foirsaidis, ane penny money foirsaid at the abbay of Inchchafray at the feest of Whitsonday yeerlie in name of blensche ferme if it bees askit allenerlie, togidder with the service in the said office usit and wont be umquhile Laurence, lord Oliphant and his predicessoures allenerlie; for the foirsaidis landis of Dallquhorochy, with the mylne thairof and mylnelandis annexit to the samene mylne and ther pertinentes, the soume of tuentie merkes sex shillingis eight pennyes money foirsaid at tua terme in the yeer, Whitsonday and Mertimes in winter, be equall portiones in name of fewferme; with the soume of sex shillingis eight pennyes money foirsaid in augmentatione of his majesties rentall thairof, and als the aires of the said George, erle of Kinnoule doubland the said fewferme and augmentatione the first yeere of there entrie to the saidis landis as use is of fewferme allanerllie. And findis, declaires, statutes and ordeanes that the infeftmentes and securities foirsaidis made and to be made to the said Erle of Kinnoule and his abovewrittin of the landis and otheres abovespecified are and shall be sufficient and valid rightes and securities to them for peaceable bruiking and joysing of the landis and otheres foirsaidis, for payment of the yeerlie dewtie particularlie abovementionat allenerlie perpetually in all tymecomeing, and for that effect, be the tennour heerof, dispenses with the tent act of his hienes first parliament haldine at Edinburgh, anno jM vjC therttie three yeeres intitulat, 'Anent the annexatone of his majesties propertie', and with all actes of parliament and lawes particularlie and generallie therin specified, and with all other actes of parliament and lawes that may be prejudiciall to the validitie of the saidis infeftmentes, and declaires this generall dispensatione with the saidis actes of parliament and lawes to be alse valied as if the samene wer all particularlie mentionat heerintill and heerby dispensit with particularlie.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.313v-315r.