Ratificatione to Sir Williame Dick of the teindes of Dumbare

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies, approves and, for his majestie and his successoures, perpetuallie confirmes to and in favoures of his majesties lovit Sir Williame Dicke of Braid, knycht, and of his aires and assigneyes the letter of take and assidacion set, made and granted be umquhile Sir James Baillie of Lochend, knycht, archpriest of Dumbar, with advyse and consent of umquhile George, erle of Dumbare, lord Home of Berwike, wndoubted patrone of the said archpreistrie and colledg kirke of Dumbarre, and with consent of the deane and remanent prebendares of the said collegde kirke of Dumbar, and of wmquhile James, erle of Abercorne etc., as tutour to umquhile Claud, lord Paisley, deane of the said colledge kirke, to umquhile Williame Lauder in Bellheavin, sone and air to umquhile Mawries Lauder, burgess of Dumbar, for all the dayes of his lyftyme, and eftir his decease to Alexander Lauder, his eldest laufull sone and than appeirand air for all the day of his lyftyme, and to ther aires, assigneyes and subtennentes indureing all the dayes, space, yeeres and termes of three severall nyntene yeeres, ilke ane successive eftir otheres, ay and whill the tua severall lyferentes and three severall nynteene yeeres be fullie compleet and outrune, off all and sindrie the small teyndis, lynt, hempt, hay, butter, cheise, stirke, guise, gryse, coall, salt and other small2 teyndis perteaneing to the said archpreistrie of Dumbar, alsweell of commodities to be win as allreddie win, wher evir the samen ly, far and neer; togidder also with all and sindrie the teynd fishes, alsweell of salmond and herring as other fishes, callit rid and whyte fishe, takine and to be takine be ships, creare, boat, cobill or otherwayes whatsomevir betuixt the mouthe of the water of Tyne and Skaitraw Burne, within the shereffdome of Edinburgh and constabubularie of Haddingtoun (excepting allwayes to the said archpriest of Dumbarr and his successoures the haill small teyndis of the haill landis then perteaneing to umquhile Sir George Home of Broxmouth, with the teyndis of whatsomevir fishes that happines to come in cobilles or boates to be loosed within the boundis of Broxmouth) for payment of ane certane yeerlie dewtie mentioned and conteaned in the said letter of take and assidatione, as the samene of the dait the [...] day of Julii, the yeere of God jM vjC and nyne yeeres, at more lenth beeres, with the ratificatione writtin one the end of the said letter of take, off the dait the eighteene day of Julii, jM vjC tuentie three yeeres, quhairby the said Sir James Baillie ratified and approved the samene lettir of take and assidatione abovespecified in the haill heedis and clauss therof; togidder with the lettires of assignatione and dispositione made be the said Alexander Lauder, takismane foirsaid, of the foirsaid letter of take, haill heedis and clauss therof, to and in favoures of George Aitkine of Wnderedge, off the dait the eight day of Julii, jM vjC tuentie and tua yeeres, with the ratificatione writtin one the end therof, ratifieand and approveand the samene, subscryved be the said umquhile Sir James Baillie, of the dait the tuentie ane day of August nixt thairefter in the samene yeere; togidder also with the lettir of ratificatione granted be his majestie wnder his hienes privie seale, of the dait the third day of Merch, jM vjC therttie and tua yeeres, quhairby his majestie ratified and approved in favoures of the said George Aitkine, his aires and assigneyes the foirsaid lettir of take and ratificatione thairof abovewrittin in the haill heeds and clauss thairof. And alse his majestie, with consent foirsaid, be thir presents ratifies and approves the dispositione, assignatione and translatioune made be the said George Aitkine of Wnderedge, for himselff and takeand the burdeene wpoun him for umquhile Agnes Dallmahoy, his spous, and the said umquhile Agnes for hirselfe, with consent of the said George Aitkine, hir spous, off the dait the sevint day of Junii jM vjC therttie and four yeeres, to and in favoures of the said Sir Williame Dicke of Braid, knycht, his aires and assigneyes of the said letter of take and assidatione of the saidis teyndis, with the assignatione mad therto be the said Alexander Lauder to the said George Aitkine and his foirsaids, and letter of ratificatione abovespecified, granted be his majestie wnder his hienes privie seale to and in favoures of the said George Aitkine of the foirsaid take and ratificatione thair of abovespecified, writtin wpoun the end thairof; and sicklyke ane other dispositione, assignatione and translatioune made be the said George Aitkine to the said Sir Williame Dicke and his foirsaidis of the samene take foirsaid, of the saidis teyndis, assignatione abovespecified made to the said Alexander3 Aitkine be the said Alexander Lauder thairto, and of his majesties ratificatione foirsaid of the said take and ratificatione writtin on the end thairof, quhilk last assignatione, translatione and dispositione made be the said George Aitkine to the said Sir Williame is conteaned in ane contract and appoyntment past and perfyted betuixt theme of the dait the nynteene day of Merche jM vjC and fourtie yeeres, insert and registrat in the bookes of counsell and sessione wpoun the tuentie eight day of Julii lastbypast, and that in the haill heeds, articles, clauss, conditiones and circumstances of the foirsaid letter of take, ratificationes, translationes, assignationes and dispositiones abovementionat, conceaved or whilkis anywayes may be conceaved or interpret in favoures of the said Sir Williame and his foirsaidis, in whoise persone the right of the take foirsaid of the saidis teyndis is now established be the rightes and tytles abovementionat, saiffand and reserveand allwayes to our said soverane lord and his majesties successoures the dewties, rightes and services due and adebted to his majestie and his hienes predicessoures for the saidis teyndis befor this present confirmatione. Attoure, our said soverane lord, with consent foirsaid, willis and grantes and, for his majestie and his hienes successoures, decernes and ordeanes that this present ratificatione of the writtis and evidentes particularlie abovementionat is and shall bee alse valied and sufficient to the said Sir Williame Dicke and his foirsaidis for thair securitie of the saidis teyndis dureing the space foirsaid conteaned in the said take as if the samene writtes hereby ratified as said is wer all word be word and at lenth exprest and insert heerintill; quhairanent, and anent all defectes and imperfectiones whilkis may be proponit or alledged aganes the validitie of the samene writtis, or this present ratificatione thairof, his majestie, with consent foirsaid, hes dispensit and be thir presentes dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.307v-308v.
  2. The word 'customes' is written but scored out in the manuscript.
  3. APS suggests 'George' in square brackets.