Ratificatione to Sir Williame Dike of his rightes of Northberwike

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves the chartour granted be his majestie, wnder his hienes great seale, off the dait at Edinburgh, the tuentie nynt day of Merche, the yeer of God jM vjC therttie foure yeeres, precept and instrument of seasing falloweing therwpoun in favoures of his majesties lovit Sir Williame Dicke of Braid, designed thairby Williame Dicke of Braid, merchand burges of Edinburgh, and to his aires and assigneyes whatsomevir heritablie, of all and sindrie the landis of the Maynes of Northberwicke, with maner places, houss, biggingis, yairdis, orchyairdis, dowcates, linkes, pairtes, pendicles, fishingis and all ther pertinentes; the lands callit the ferme landis or ferme aikeres with the linkes therof, extending in the haill to fyfteene husband landis, with all and sindrie thair pendicles and pertinentes, togidder with the teindes of the fishes of the haill port of Northberwicke; of all and haill the west pairt of the toune of Northberwicke, callit the Nungait, lyand wpoun the west syde of the burne, callit the Clartie Burne, with all and sindrie landis, tenementes, houss, biggingis, toftes, croftes, outsetes, barnes and wtheres pertinentes thairof, and of these four croftes of land with thair pertinentes lyand wpoun the southsyde of the burgh of Northberwicke; and all and haill the corne mylne, callit the cornemylne of Lintoun, wpoun the water of Tyne, with houss, biggingis, yairdis, toftes, croftes, multors and sequelles and pertinentes thairof, all lyand within the shereffdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Haddingtoun; and of all and haill the landis of Grange of Breiche, with houss, biggingis, yairdis, pairtes, pendicles and pertinentes thairof, lyand within the parochine of Callder and foirsaid shereffdome of Edinburgh; and of all and haill the yill of Langbelland, with ther pertinentes, togidder with the advocatione, donatione and right of patronage of the chaiplanries or alterags, callit the Ladie Alter, Rude Alter, Saint Cebastianes Alter, foundit of old within the paroche kirke of Northberwike; and als of all and haill the teyndshaves and otheres teynd fruites, rentes, emolumentes, proventes and dueties whatsomevir, personage and viccarage, of all and haill the saidis landis of the Maynes of Northberwike, with pairtes, pendicles and pertinentes thairof; and of all and haill the saidis landis, callit the ferme landis or ferme aikeres, with ther pertinentes; and of all and haill the said west pairt of the saidis toune and landis of North Berwike, callit the Nungait, lyand wpoun the westsyd of the said burne, callit the Clertie Burne, with toftes, croftes and pertinentes thairof, and of the midow callit the Law Midow and Northberwicke Law, and of the mylnes of Kinketh, croftes and pertinentes thairof; and sicklyke of all and sindrie the landis wnderwrittin, to witt: of the landis callit Horscruike and landis callit Puntoun, Myriefauld, Sligobake, Pontounrig, Pontonemyre, North Midow of Houche ner Northberwike Law, and of the landis of Bonytoun and Greensyd, with thair pertinentes, being proper pairtes and pertinentes of the saidis landis of Heuch perteaneing heretabllie to the said Sir Williame Dicke, lyand within the parochine of North Berwike. All the saidis teyndis, landis and otheres abovespecified with all ther pairtes, pendicles and pertinentes, with certane otheres landis and teyndis, wer erected in ane haill and frie barrony callit the barrony of Northberwike, as the said chartour of the dait foirsaid at mair lenth proportes, in the haill heedis, articles, clauss, conditiones and circumstances of the samene chartour, precept and instrument of seasing falloweand thairwpoun, conceaved in favoures of the said Sir Williame Dicke and his foirsaidis, saiffand and reserveand allwayes to our said soverane lord and his majesties successors the rightes, services and dewties aucht and wont to be payed to his majestie and his hienes predicessoures for the landis, teyndis and otheres foirsaidis befor this present confirmatioune. Attoure, our said soverane lord, with advyse and consent foirsaid, willis and grantes and, for his majestie and his hienes successors, be thir presentes, decernes and ordeanes that this present ratificatioune is and shall be alse valied and sufficient to the said Sir Williame Dicke, his aires and assigneyes foirsaidis as if the said chartour, precept and instrument of seasing falloweing therwpon wer all word be word and at lenth exprest and insert heerintill, or as if the samene had bene made and granted to them befor the seasing takine be theme of the landis, teyndis and otheres foirsaids, notwithstanding of the seasing if any be allreddie takind be them of the samene; quhairanent, and anent all others defectes and imperfectiones whatsomevir whilkes onywayes may be proponit or alledged aganes the validitie of the said chartour, precept and instrument of seasing falloweing therwpon, or this present ratificatione therof, his majestie, with advyse and consent foirsaid, hes dispensit and, be thir presentes, dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.306v-307v.