Ratificatione to the Erle of Tullibardine

Our soverane lord and esteates of parliament by these presentes ratifies, confirmes and appproves the chartour and infeftment granted be his majestie, wnder his hienes great seale of the kingdome of Scotland, to and in favoures of his majesties right trust cusigne and counsellour Patrik, erle of Tullibardine, lord Murray of Gaske and Ballquhidder, and to his aires maile and assigneyes whatsomevir, off all and sindrie the landis and otheres eftirmentionat, to witt: of all and haill the landis and barrony of Logie, callit Logiealmound, with free regalitie therof, priviledges and immunities of the samene, with toure, fortalice, maner place, yairdis, orchyairdis, mylnes, wodis, fishingis, pairts, pendicles, annexis, connexis, outsettes, tennentes, tennendries, service of free tennentes therof and all ther pertinentes, lyand within the shereffdome of Pearth; off all and haill the landis of Pitlandie, the toune and landis of Drumfin and pendicle therof, callit Lassillis, sex merke land of the toune and landis of Castelltonne which originallie wer set in few ferme to umquhile Williame Murray, sone and for the tyme appeirand air to umquhile Williame Murray of Tullibardine, knycht, with the pendicle thairof callit Gowanehill, and with the wod, ward and aikeres of land at Castelltoun perteaning therto; all and haill these tua merke land of the toune and landis of Castelltoun somtyme perteaneing to Oliver Murray in Casteltoun, the landis of Toftes of Drumphin, the lands of Kersheed with the midowes thairof and mylne of the samene, now commounlie callit the West Mylne of Gorthie, with the mylnelandis and multores therof, alsweell dry as other multores, quhilkis of old wer payed to the milneres therof in tymebygone, and speciallie the multores of the landis of Lacoke, Kerseheed, Mylnetoune and Gorthie, Pitmannie and pertinentes therof, with the pendicles of the saidis landis of Kersehead commonlie callit the Merchrige, Coulekerse and wtheres kerss therof, the landis of Mylnetoune, the landis of Trewin2, the landis and forrestes of Corrie Mukelaw and Glenschervie, the landis callit the Kyle of Glenamount, lyand wpoun ather of the syds of the watter of Amount, boundit betuixt the said water and the height of the month and infall of the said water as wind and weather sheares one either syde of the said water in bread, and lyand betuixt the saidis landis of Corriemuklaw one the east and the landis of Strouellie and Tumpines thairof one the west in lenth, be north the said water of Almond, and betuixt the craige callit Crigagyre one the east and the corrie callit Corriehervie one the west, one the south syde of the said water in lenth; togidder with all and sindrie other corries, gleins, wodis, fishingis, sheellingis and pasturadge whatsomevir, lyand within the boundis abovewrittin, togidder also with the priviledge of free forrest within the haill boundis of the saidis landis of Corriemukelaw, Glenschervie and landis callit the landis of Kyll of Glenamount, boundit as said is, and with the right, jurisdictione and priviledge of holding of courtes of free forrest, with other priviledges and liberties of ane free forrest within the saids bounds, with all and sindrie castelles, toures, fortalices, maner places, houss, biggings, yairdis, orchyairdis, dowcates, mylnes, multores, wodis, loches, fishing of salmond and other fishingis, midowes, tennentes, tennendries, service of free tennents, annexis, connexis, dependencies, pairtes, pendicles and pertinentes whatsomevir of the landis and otheres abovewrittin, all lyand within the stewartrie of Stratherne and shereffdome of Pearth; the landis callit Wardinscrofte, Abbotscrofte and Calseyend, with houss, biggingis, yairds, orchyairdis, pairtes, pendicles and pertinentes, lyand within the barrony of Cardny3 and shereffdome foirsaid; the landis of Fornoch, the landis of Stokland and Croftstrandie extending to four aikeres and halfe ane aiker of land or therby, with houss, biggingis, yairdis, pairtes, pendicles, lyand within the stewartrie and shereffdome foirsaides, with ten merke land of Pitvare, Solliegarth and fyve pund land of the west pairt of Finnache, with the pertinentes, lyand within the said shereffdome; all and haill the landis of Moulaig4, with all and sindrie pairtes, pendicles and pertinentes thairof, lyand in the barrony of Sthraernid5; and also all and haill the landis of Fandowie with the maner place of the samene and pendicles thairof, callit Auchingoure and Auldmade, with yairdis, orchyairdis, mylnes, woodis, fishingis, tenementes, tennendries, service of free tennentes therof, pairtes, pendicles and pertinentes of the samene, lyand within the said shereffdome of Pearth, as the said chartour of the dait the sevinteene day of December, the yeer of God jM vjC therttie eight yeeres at mor lenth proportes, in all and sindrie the heedis, articles, clauss, conditiones and circumstances specified and conteaned thairintill, togidder with the precept of seasing and instrument of seasing falloweing therwpoun, haill heedis and clauss thairof, saiffand and reserveand to our said soverane lord and his majesties succesoures the dewties, rightes and services dew and adebted to his majestie and his majesties predicessoures for the landis and otheres abovexprest before this present confirmatione. Attoure, oure said soverane lord, with consent foirsaid, willis and grantes and, for his majestie and his hienes sucessoures, decernes and ordeanes that this present confirmatione is and shall be alse valied and sufficient to the said Patrike, erle of Tullibardine and his foirsaidis as if the said chartour, precept and seasine falloweing thairwpoun wer all word be word and at lenth insert and ingrossit heerintill, and as if the samene hade beene made and granted to theme before the taking of seasing of the landis and otheres abovexprest, notwithstanding of the seasing, if any be, allreddie takine of the samene; quhairanent, and with all other defectes and imperfectiones whilkis onywayes may be proponit or alledged againes the said chartour or this present confirmatione thairof, his majestie with consent foirsaid hes dispensit and, be thir presentes, dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.305v-306r.
  2. 'Frewin' in APS.
  3. 'Carndy' in APS.
  4. 'Mouling' in APS.
  5. 'Sthraerine' in APS. APS also suggests 'Strathuird' in square brackets.