Ratificatione to Collonell Johne Lesly

Our soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of this present parliament, for seene and weightie causes moveing his hienes, hes ratified, approvine and perpetuallie confirmed and, be thir presentes, ratifies, approves and perpetuallie confirmes, ane chartour and infeftment wnder the great seale, daited the tuentie tua day of Februar, jM vjC therttie four yeeres, granted be the kingis majestie in favoures of Collonell Johne Leslie, laufull sone to umquhile David Leslie of Otterstoune and Agne Logane, his spous, togidder with the instrument of seasing falloweing thairwpoun, off the dait the tuentie nynt day of Maii, jM vjC therttie four yeeres, wnder the not and subscriptione of Androw Glesfoord, notar, givine be vertewe of ane precept directed forth of our soverane lordis chancellarie in favoures of the saids Collonell Johne Leslie, laufull sone to umquhile David Leslie of Wtterstoune and Agnes Logane, his spous, off all and haill the landis of Myres, Over and Nether, landis of Auchtermuchtie, with the maner place, toure, fortalice, dowcates, orchyairdis, yairdis, pairtes, pendicles, annexis, connexis, dependences and that outset callit Dunsheill, toftis, croftes, houss, biggingis, tennentes, tennendries, service of free tennentes and pertinentes thairof whatsomevir, with the priviledge of commontie in the hillis of Auchtermuchtie and other commonties perteaneing to the saidis landis usit and wont, and of all and haill the midowes of Auchtermuchtie, and haill landis alsweell arrable as wnarrable, the suard yairds within the said boundis, lyand within the stewartrie and shereffdom of Fyffe. And alse ratifieand and approveand and perpetuallie confirmand ane signatour superscryved be his hienes, of the dait the tuentie ane day of October jM vjC fourtie ane yeers, quhairby his majestie hes givine and granted to the said Collonell Johne Leslie in lyferent, and to Patrike Leslie, his sone, his aires maill and assigneyes whatssomevir heritablie in fie, the office of meassarie and serjandrie of armes, togidder with the haill dignities, priviledges and dewties perteaneing and belonging therto, togidder also with the fewferme dueties of the landis of Myres, Over and Nether, lyand within the parochine of Auchtermuchtie, stewartrie and shereffdome of Fyffe perteaneing heritablie to the said Collonell Johne Leslie, the samene extending yeerlie to the soume of ten pundis ten shillingis Scottis money, with all that hes fallowed or may fallow therwpoun in all and sindrie the heedis, clauss and conditione thairof; and declaires this present ratificatione to be alse effectuall to the said Collonell Johne Leslie, his sone and there foirsaidis as if the samene wer insert and set doune heerintill ad longum et de verbo in verbum; quhairanent our said soverane lord and estates of parliament hes dispensed and heerby dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.298r-298v.