Ratificatione in favours of the minister of Donoone

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves the gifte of mortificatione granted be his majestie to Maister Ewine Camrone, present minister of Donoone at2 his successoures ministeres thairat, off the soume of tuelffe hundreth merkis Scottis money yeerlie out of the reddiest of the teyndis, teynd dueties and otheres rents of the beshoprike of Argyle with this declaratione allwayes: that the said Maister Ewine Camerone and his successoures foirsaidis shall give yeerlie to ane schoolmaister who shall remaine at the said kirke of Donoone the soume of tua hundreth merkis Scotes money, as the said gifte of mortificatione superscryved be his majestie, beerand dait at Halyrudhouse, the eight day of November jM vjC fourtie ane yeeres, mair fullie proportes, in the haill heedis, articles, clauss and conditiones of the samene gifte of mortificatione abovementionat; and declaires and ordeanes the foirsaid gifte, with this present ratificatione thairof, to be ane sufficient and valied right and title to the said Maister Ewine Camrone and his sucessours foirsaids for bruiking and intrometing with the foirsaid soume of tuelfe hundreth merks yeerlie conforme to the foirsaid gifte of mortificatione thairof, and to the effect, and with the declaratione thairinmentionat. Lykeas our said soverane lord and estates of parliament declaires that this present generall ratificatione abovespecifeit is and shall be alse sufficient as if the foirsaid gifte wer insert verbatim heerintill; quhairanent our said soverane lord and estates foirsaidis dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.293v.
  2. 'and' in APS.