Ratificatione to Maister Williame Wardlawe

Oure soverane lord, remembering the good, trewe and thankefull service done to his hienes umquhill darrest parentes of woorthie memorie and to his majestie himselff in the office of challmenlarie of the erldome of Ros and lordshipe of Ardmannoche be umquhill Sir Hendrie Wairdlaw of Pittravie, knycht, and be his majesties lovit Maister Williame Wairdlaw of Ballmule, his sone, therfore, and for otheres good causes moveing his hienes, his majestie, with advyse and consent of the estates of this present parliament, hes ratified and approvine the letters of gifte granted be his majestie wnder the privie seale off the dait at Quhythall, the sevinteene day of Februare jM vjC and therttie four yeeres, quhairby his majestie, with consent of his hienes thesaureres principall and depute, and the remanent commissioneres of exchekker, made and constitute the said umquhill Sir Hendrie Wairdlaw and the said Maister Williame Wairdlaw, his sone, the langest liver of them tua, dureing ther lyftymes, his hienes challmerlanes and ressaveres of the haill mailles, fermes, kaines, customes and otheres dueties belonging to his majestie within the said erldome of Ros and lordshipe of Ardmanoche, with the pertinents, there entrie therto beginand for the cropt and yeere of God jM vjC threttie one yeeres, Whitsonday and Mertimes termes therof, and sua furth yeerlie thaireftir dureing ther lyftymes, alloweing to them in yeerlie fiell the soume of ane thousand merkes money of this realme, as the said gifte produced befor the saidis lordis of exchekker and seene and admitted be them and registrat in ther bookes of exchekker according to the order wpoun the twentie fyfte day of August jM vjC therttie four yeeres at mair lenth proportes, in all and sindrie the heedis, articles and clauss of the said gifte, to the effect the said Maister Williame Wairdlaw may bruike and possess the said office of challmenlarie of the erldome and lordshipe forsaid dureing all the dayes of his lyftyme, for the whilke his majestie willis he shall have allowance of the yeerlie fie abovespecifeid. Attour, our said soverane lord willis and grantes that this present ratificatione is and shall be alse valied and sufficient to the said Maister Williame as if the gifte foirsaid wer heerintill at lenth mentionat and ingrossit, notwithstanding the samene is not insert heerintill.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.291r.