Ratificatione to the toune of Abirdene of the kirke of Saint Nicolas

Our soverane lord and haill estates of this present parliament ordeanes ane act to be made therine ratifieing and approveing the letters of gifte made and granted be our said soverane lord to and in favoures of the proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie of the burghe of Abirdene now present, and to there successoures in all tymecomeing, of the dait the ellevint day of November instant, quhairby our said soverane lord, for the considerationes therincontenit, hes givine, granted, foundit, mortified and disponed to the saids proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie of the said burgh and ther successoures in all tymecomeing, all and haill the kirke of Saint Nicolas within the said burgh, with the haill teyndis, personage and viccarage therof, togidder with the right of patronage and presentatione of the ministeres therto, as ofte and sua ofte as the samene shall happine to occurre in tymecomeing, to remaine with the saidis proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie of the said burgh and ther successoures for evir in all tymecomeing; and sieklyke hes unite and annexit the said kirke of Saint Nicolas and teyndis, personage and viccarage therof, with the right of patronage therof foirsaid, to the said burghe of Abirdene, and hes ordeaned that ane seasing to be now once takine therof be the saidis proveist, baillies, counsell and commontie of the said burgh at the mercat croce thairof shall stand effectuall and be ane sufficient seasing to them for evir in alltymecomeing, without any necessity or taking new seasing therof at any tyme thereftir, to be holdine in maner specified in the said gifte, as the samene of the dait foirsaid at mair lenth beeres, in all and sindrie the heedis, clauss and conditiones therincontenit, and eftir the forme and tennour thairof in all poyntes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.290r.