Ratificatione to Maister David Forrester

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves the gifte of the shereffclerkeshipe of Stirlingshyre granted be Johne, erle of Marre to Johne Williamesone dureing all the dayes of his lyftyme, and eftir his deceis to Maister David Forrester, his serveand, for all the dayes of his lyftyme, quhilke is of the dait the nynt day of Apryle, jM vjC thertie and sevine yeeres, in the haill heedis, articles and clauss thairof, and dispenses with the not inserting of the same, and willis and ordeanes that the foirsaid gifte granted to them respective and successive is and shall be ane perfyte right to them for bruiking and exerceing the said office dureing all the dayes of ther lyftymes, ilke ane successive eftir other as said is, with the haill liberties, priviledges, benefite and casualities belonging therto, conforme to the foirsaid gifte in all poyntes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.289v.