Ratificatione to the Laird of Leslie Forbes

Our soverane lord and estates of this present parliament ordeanes ane act to be made thairintill in favoures of his hienes lovit Johne Forbes of Leslie, ratifieand and approveand, lykeas be thir presentes our said soverane lord and estates foirsaidis ratifies and approves the decreet obtenit at the instance of the said Johne Forbes of Leslie wpoun the therteene day of Maii lastbypast 1641 yeeres befoir the lordis and otheres of the committie of estates of parliament aganes Johne Gordoune of Haddo, makeand mentione that wher the said Johne Forbes, haveing supplicat the said committie of estates for redrese of certane wronges and injuries done and committed againes hime and Williame Forbes, his sone, be the said Johne Gordoune, and namelie for suppressing of his persone and taking him captive to Strathbogie, and when the said Williame Forbes did repair thither for his said fatheres liberatione efter assurance of indamnitie granted to him, the said Johne Gordone of Haddo inforced the said Williame to give band to him for payment of ane thowsand merkes within eight dayes therefter, whilke was accordinglie payed, lykeas the said Johne Gordoune of Haddo than berefte the said Williame of his horse, worth fourtie pieces, and tooke ane other naig from his man worth ane hundreth pundis, and then robbed them of all ther armes, suordis, carrobines and pistoletes, estimat to be worth three hundreth merkes, and thereftir the said Johne, be himselfe and his complices, spuilyied the said Johne Forbes his house of Banchorie, tooke away his haill inseight and plenishing therof, and brake the haill doores and lookes of the samene, and thereftir passing to the Lord Fraiseres house of Durris (than lent be the said Lord Fraser to the said Johne Forbes of Leslie) they broke wpe the yettes thairof and toke all that he had transported thither from his other duelling house of Banchorie, with the said Lord Fraiseres haill goodis that were there, the skaith so done to the saidis tuo houss being estimate to the soume of ane thowsand pundis money; and therfor decerning and ordeaneing the said Johne Gordoune of Haddo to refound and delyver bake againe to the said Johne Forbes the horse, armour, plenishing, soume of money and otheres abovementionat violentlie and maisterfullie reste, intrometted with and away takine from the said Johne Forbes and his said sone in maner abovewrittin, or elles to content and pay to him the availles, worth, pryces and estimatione of the saidis horss, armour, inseight, plenishing and others soumes abovementionat, extending to the particulare soumes of money abovewrittin for the reasoune and cause contenit in the said decreet, as the samene of the daite foirsaid at maire lenth beeres. Togidder with all lettires of horneing, poynding, inhibitione, denunciatione, apprysing and otheres raised and used or to be raised and useit therwpoun, and all comprysingis led and deduced or to be led and deduced therwpoun, infeftments and otheres falloweing or to fallowe wpoun the samene, and all that hes fallowed or may fallowe wpoun the said decreet in all and sindrie the heedis, poyntes, clauss, articles, circumstances and conditiones therincontenit, and eftir the formes and tennoures therof in all poyntes, and willis, grantes, declaires, decernes and ordeanes that the said decreet and all executione that hes fallowed or may fallowe therwpoun shall stand valied and sufficient ay and whill the said Johne Forbes of Leslie, his aires and assigneyes be dewlie, fullie and compleitlie payed of the soumes of money abovewrittin, contenit in the said decreet conforme thairto in all poyntes, notwithstanding of whatsomevir act of pacificatione, oblivione or other act or constitutione made or to be made in the contraire in respect the saidis wronges and injuries were done and comited be the said Johne Gordoune of Haddo aganes the said Johne Forbes of Leslie and his sone, not as be antecovenanteres aganes covenanteres, bot long eftir the said Johne Gordoune hade come in and subscryved and suorne to the covenante, declaireing therfor and ordeaneing that no sicke act of pacificatione, oblivione or other act or constitutione made or to be made in this present parliament is nor shall no wayes be extendit to the said decreet above ratified and soumes thairinconteyned, nor no executione that hes fallowed or may fallowe thairwpoune, bot that the samene is heirby and shall be allwayes and alluterlie excepted and reserved furth and fra the said acte of pacificatioune, oblivione or any uther act or constitutione made or to be made in the contraire sicklyke and alse freelie as if the samene wer expresslie excepted and reserved furth therof. Lykeas our said soverane lord and estates foirsaidis of this present parliament ordeanes the said decreet, soumes of money therinconteaned and executione therof to be expresslie excepted and reserved furth and fra the said act of pacificatioune and oblivioun, and insert and conteanied therin for that effect

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.288r-288v.