Ratificatione to the Laird of Dune of tuo takes

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies, approves and perpetuallie confirmes ane take mad be way of contract at Halyrudhous and Cannogait, the fyfteeine and sexteene dayes of Merche, jM vjC tuentie sevine yeeres, betuixt his majesties thesaureres principall and depute and remanent lordis of excheker for the tyme one the one pairt, and Alexander Erskeene of Dune one the other pairt, quhairby they set in take and assidatione to the said Alexander Erskeene of Dune and to his assigneyes and subtakesmene of no hier degree then himselfe, all the customes due to his majestie of all goodis, geir and merchandice exported out of the kingdome or imported within the samene at the port and burghe of Montroise or other portes, harberies or creekes along the coastsyde fra the north water of Eske inclusive to the south water of Eske inclusive (except onlie of certane merchand goodis contenit in the said take as the samene is except therine), and that for all the dayes, yeeres and termes of the said Alexander Erskeene of Dune his lyftyme, for payment of tuelfe hundreth merkes be yeer of take duetie in maner specifeit in the said take, quhilk is registrat in the bookes of excheker the sexteine day of Merche jM vjC tuentie sevine yeeres. And alse ane other take made be way of contract betuixt the king's majestie, with consent of his thesaureres principall and deput and remanent commissioneres of excheker one the ane pairt, and the said Alexander Erskene of Dune one the wther pairt, relative to the foirsaid contract, be vertewe wherof his majestie, with consent foirsaid, set of new in take and assidatione to the said Alexander Erskene of Dune and to his assigneyes and subtakismen of no hier degree nor himselffe all his majesties customes foirsaids due to be payed to his majestie of all goodis, geere and merchandice exported out of this kingdome or imported within the samene at the said port and burghe of Montroise and all other portes, herberies and creekes along the cost syde from the north water of Eske inclusive to the south water of Eske inclusive (except only of certane merchand goodes conteyned in the said contract as the samene is excepted therin), and that for the space of fyve yeers and from fyve yeeres to fyve yeeres dureing the lyftyme of the said Alexander Erskeene of Dune for payment of the foirsaid tuellffe hundreth merkes yeirlie of take duetie at tuay termes in the yeer, and making ane compt and payment of his majesties bullione effeirand to the proportione of the goodis exported in maner specified in the said contract, quhilk is daited at Halyrudhous, the tent day of November instant, in all and sindrie heedes, poyntes, articles, clauss and circumstances of the saidis takes and contractes respective. And willis and grantes that the foirsaidis takkes made be way of contractes shall be ane sufficient right to the said Alexander Erskeene of Dune and his foirsaidis for bruiking of the foirsaidis customes dureing the tyme and space mentionat therin, and alse willis and grantes and, for his majestie and his successoures, with consent of the estates of parliament, decernes and ordeanes that this present confirmatione is and shall be of alse great availl, force, strenth and effect to the said Alexander Erskene of Dune and his foirsaidis as if the foirsaidis takes made be way of contractes wer word be word exprest herein; quhairanent, and with all that may fallow therwpoun, his majestie and estates of parliament hes dispensit and be thir presentes dispenss for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.287r-287v.