The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
Ratificatione to the Erle of Rothes
Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves the gifte of pensione made, givine and granted be our soverane lord the kingis majestie, with advyse and consent of his hienes thesaureres, comptrolleres and collectoures, and thesaureres of his majesties new augmentationes, principall and deputie, and remanent lordis of his majesties excheker, his hienes commissioneres, to and in favoures of Johne, erle of Rothes, his aires and assigneyes, of all and haill ane yeerlie pensione of ten thowsand pundis Scotes money yeerlie, to be takine up at tua termes in the yeere, Whitsonday and Mertimes be equall portiones, furth of the reddiest of his majesties rentes, customes, casualities, and dueties of his majesties thesaurarie, comptrollarie and collectorie or new augmentatiounes or patrimonie of this realme, or any of them, and that yeerlie and ilke yeere dureing the space of his naturale lyfe nixt eftir his entrie therto, quhilke is ordenit to be and begine be the said lettir at the feist and terme of Mertimes last in this instant yeer of God jM vjC fourtie ane yeeres and sua furth yeerlie and termelie thereftir, dureing the space foirsaid. And for mair sure payment of the said pensione yeerlie and ilke yeere dureing the space foirsaid, his majestie, with advyse foirsaid, be the said letter hes assigned and disponed to the said Johne, erle of Rothes, his aires and assigneyes alsemeikle of the first and reddiest of the dewties of his majesties customes and impostes of wyns comeing into this his hienes kingdome of Scotland as will extend to satisfie and pay the said Johne, erle of Rothes his said pensione yeerlie and termlie dureing the said space of his naturall lyffe abovespecified, in maner at lenth specified in his hienes said letters of gifte wnder his majesties privie seale of the dait at Halyrudhouse, the tuentie third day of September lastbygone, at mor lenth beeres, in all and sindrie the heedis, poyntes, clauss, articles, circumstances and conditiones therincontenit, and eftir the forme and tennour therof in all poyntes. And our said soverane lord and estats of parliament willis, grantes, decernes and ordeanes that the said letters of pensione and this present ratificatione therof is and shall be ane valied and sufficient right to the said Johne, erle of Rothes for bruiking, joysing and wptaking the said pensione yeerlie and ilke yeer dureing his said lyftyme, conforme therto in all poyntes, but ony obstacle, impediment or objectione to be made, proponit or alledged in the contrair. Lykeas our soverane lord and estates of parliament decernes and declaires this present ratificatione to be alse valiede, effectuall and sufficient to the said Johne, erle of Rothes and his foirsaidis for bruiking and uplifting of the foirsaid pensione abovementionat as if the samene lettir of gifte and pensione wer insert ad longum word be word in this present ratificatione therof, quhairanent his majestie and estates of parliament his dispensit and heerby dispenses for evir.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.281v-282r.