Ratificatione in favoures of the Erle of Home

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves the chartour and infeftment wnder the great seale granted be his majestie in favoures of his majesties right trustie cusigne James, erle of Home, lord Dunglas, his aires maill and assigneyes whatsomevir, off the landis and barrony of Dunce with the burgh of barrony therof, withthe haill liberties and priviledges therinconteyned, quhilke is of dait the last day of Julii, jM vjC thertie sevine yeeres, in the haill heedis, articles and clauss therof, and willis this present ratificatione to be alse efectuall as if the samene were word be word insert heerintill. Attour, because it is notourlie knowne to his majestie and estates that the said burghe of barrony of Dunce hes in all tymes bygone, past memorie of man, bene reput and haldine to be the cheefe and heedburghe of the shereffdom of Berwicke, at the whilke all proclamationes, denunciationes of horneing and inhibitiones hes bene and are made, therfore, his majestie and estates of parliament ratifies and approves all the priviledges of the said burghe, and declaires the samene to be in the cheefe place and roume of the said heid burghe of the said shereffdome of Berwike, and that ther shall be no necessitie for the leiges to ony proclamationes, inhibitiones or any of the lyke nature at any other heid burghe.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.275v.