Ratificatione in favoures of the burghe of Quhithorne

Our soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of this present parliament, hes ratified and approved and, for his majestie and his sucessoures, perpetually confirmed, lykeas his majestie, be the tennour of this present act, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates, ratifies, approves and confirmes the gifte, infeftment and confirmatione granted be his majesties most noble progenitour King James the Fourt of woorthie memorie, in favoures of the burgess and inhabitantes of the burghe of Whithorne, quhairbye he not only ratified three chartours givine be his most noble progenitores King Robert and King David Bruces of good memorie, quhairby the said toune of Whithorne was made, create and confirmed ane free burghe with mercates everie week and publict faires anes in the yeere, with all other priviledges of ane free burghe, with the small customes and otheres therinconteynet perteaneing to the port and ile of Whithorne, bot also the said King James the Fourt hes of new made, create and of new infeftment confirmed the said toune of Whithorne and boundis thairof in ane free burghe callit the burgh of Whithorne for evir in all tymecomeing, willing also and granting that the burgess and inhabitantes within the said burghe present and to come should be alse free in all tymecomeing as any other burgess of any of his majesties free royall burrowes, and that they shall have and possess within the said burghe mercate croces and mercate dayes everie Satirday weeklie, as also weeklie faires yeerlie at the feist of Saint Peter in the moneth of Junii, and that for the space of eight dayes, with the customes, priviledges and all other liberties perteaning to ane free fair or may be knowne to perteane therto in ony tymecomeing. And with power to pake and peill within the said burghe ther merchandyce and goodis, and alse to loadine and disloadine the saidis merchandice and goodis in shipes at the said ile and port of Whithorne as the port and statione of shipes belonging to the said burghe, with all priviledges perteaneing to the said port, and with power to buy and sell within the said burghe wyne and walxe etc., and to have baxteres, brousteres etc., and with power yeerlie to the burgess and inhabitantes within the said burghe to elect and choose proveist, baillies, serjandis and other officeres necessar for governeing of the said burghe, with all and sindrie other priviledges belonging to ane free burgh, alse freelie as any other free burghe within this realme holdis, bruikes or is infefte into, as in the said gifte, infeftmente and confirmatione, daited at Edinburghe, the first day of Maii jM vC and ellevine yeeres, at lenth is conteyned. Togidder also with ane wther ratificatione granted in the parliament haldine at Edinburghe, the eightene day of Junii jM vC and fyfteene, be the quhilke the lord governour, with advyse of the lordis of parliament then beand present, ratifies and approves the said confirmatione made be King James the Fourt of good mynd, of the priviledge granted to the said burghe of Whithorne, makeand the samene ane free burghe of the dait foirsaid as ane ratificatione granted wnder the testimony of his majesties great seale, ratifieing the said act of parliament, off the dait the tuentie sevint day of Julii jM vC and auchteene yeeres sicklyke at lenth beeres, in the haill heidis, articles, clauss, circumstances and conditiones thairof. And heerby our said soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates, willis and grantes that this present ratificatione is and shall be alse valied and to have alse great force, strenth and effect to the burgess and inhabitantes of the said burghe of Whithorne for bruiking of there liberties conteyned in thair saidis infeftmentes and rightes and conforme thairto as if the said chartour and confirmatione fallowing therwpoun wer at lenth insert heerintill, quhairanent, and all defectes and objectiones that may be proponit in the contrair, our said soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates, dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.273r-274r.