Ratificatione in favors of Patrik Ruthvene

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves the lettir and signatour superscryved be his majestie, to be past his majesties great seale, in favoures of Patrik Ruthvene, brother to Johne, sometyme erle of Gourie, for taking of the said Patrike and the aires of his bodie wnder his majesties peace and protectione and giveing capacitie and power to theme to stand in judgment and to bruike all landis, offices, pensiones and other goodis whatsomevir acquyrit or to be acquyrit be them within his majesties kingdomes or any other forrane pairt elswhere, and to be callit be the name and surname of Ruthven, notwithstanding of whatsomevir actes made in the contraire, in maner specified in the said signator, quhilke is daited the tuelffe day of November instant, togidder with the letter to be past wnder his majesties great seale thairwpone, in all and sindrie heedis, articles and circumstances therof, and willis and grantes and, for his hienes and his successoures, with consent of the estates of parliament, decernes and ordeanes this present confirmatione to be alse sufficient and effectuall to the said Patrike Ruthven, his aires and successoures as if the foirsaid signatour and lettir wnder the great seale appoynted to fallow therwpoun wer word be word exprest and insert heerin, quhairanent, and withall that may fallowe thairwpon, his majestie and estates of parliament hes dispensit and, be thir presentes, dispenses for evir. And for that effect, reduces the act of parliament maide in anno jM vjC anent the foirfaultour of the said Erle of Gourie and all other actes in sua farre allenerlie as the samene may be prejudiciall to the said lettir and signatour and this present ratificatione therof, and willis, grantes and ordeanes that the foirsaid generalitie shall be alse valied as if the foirsaidis actes wer particularlie insert heerine, wheranent, and withall that may falowe thairupoun, his majestie and estates of parliament dispenses for evir. And it is heerby expreslie provydit and ordeaned that the foirsaid rehabilitatione granted be our said soverane lord to and in favoures of the said Patrike Ruthven, with the abovewrittin ratificatione of the parliament interponit therto, shall be nowayes hurtfull nor prejudiciall to George, erle of Kinnowlle and Sir James McGill of Cranstounriddell, knycht, ane of the senatoures of the colledge of justice, off there rightes and possessione of the landis of Cousland and teynds and haill pertinentes thereof, and of ane ludgeing and duelling house in the toune of Pearth, bot that notwithstanding of the rehabilitatione and ratificatione and reductione of the acte of parliament in anno jM vjC yeers, the saidis Erle of Kinnoule and Lord Cranstounriddell, there aires and successoures, shall bruike and possess the said ludgeinge and duellinge house in Pearth and the saids landis of Cousland, haill teyndis and pertinentes therof, conforme to thair rightes, securities and possessione, quhilks the saidis Patrike Ruthven, his aires nor successoures shall never be hard to quarrell nor impunge in any sorte.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.270r-270v.