The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 20 September 2024
Ratificatione in favoures of the Universitie of Glasgoue
Our soverane lord and estates of parliament, considering that forsameikle as it hes pleased his sacred majestie out of his royal zeale and fatherlie affectione to the grouth and encrease of religione within this his majesties ancient and native kingdome, be his signatour of mortificatione, daited the [...] day of November instant, to give, found, mortifie and dispone to the Universitie and Colledge of Glasgowe and to the principall, professours, regentes and other professoures therof, all and sindrie the haill fewmailles, fewfermes, caynes, customes and other dewties whatsomevir off all landis, barroneyes and otheres perteaneing to the late beshoprike of Galloway and abbacie of Toungland, pryorie of Whithorne, abbacie of Glenluce and otheres annexit thairto, with all teyndis, personage and viccarage, and teynd dueties of all kirks and parochines that perteyned in the said beshoprike and abbacyes, pryories and utheres annexit therto in maner at lenth specified in the said signatour; therfore his majestie and estates of parliament ratifies, approves and confirmes the foirsaid signatour and mortificatione, with the chartour appoynted to fallow therwpoun, in all and sindrie heedis, articles and circumstances therof, and willes and grantes and for his hienes and his successoures, with consent of the estates of parliament, decernes and ordeanes this present ratificatione to be alse sufficient and effectuall to the saidis principall, professoures, regentes and other memberes of the said Universitie and Colledge of Glasgowe now present and ther successoures in tymecomeing, as if the foirsaid signatour and chartoure of mortificatione fallowing heerwpoun were word be word insert heerintill; quhairanent, and with all that may fallow therwpoun, his majestie and estates of parliament hes dispensit for evir. And farder, his majestie and estates of parliament hes dissolved and, be thir presentes, dissolves all and sindrie the foirsaids fewmailles, fewfermes, teynd dueties and otheres mentionat in the said signatour from his majesties croune and patrimony therof and fra the bishoprike of Galloway, abbacy of Tungland, pryorie of Whithorne, abbacy of Glenluce and fra all other benefices whatsomevir wherunto the samene were annexit of befoir, and suppresses and extinguishes the samene name and memorie of the said beshopricke of Galloway, abbacyes and pryorie respective abovespecifeid in all tymecomeing, to the effect the foirsaidis fewmailles, fewfermes, teyndis, teynd dueties and others foirsaidis that belonged to the said beshopricke, pryorie and abbacyes foirsaidis and otheres annexit therto may remaine with the principall, professores, regentes and other memberes of the said Universitie and Colledge of Glasgowe, as ane testimony of his majesties favour perpetuallie in all tymecomeing, excepting allwayes furth of thir presentes the deanerie of the chappell royall of Stirling and haill fruites and rentes therof, to the quhilk the foirsaid mortificatione nor thir presentes shall not be extendit.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.259v-260r.