Ratificatione to Maister James Baird

Our soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the three estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves and, for his hienes and his successoures, perpetuallie confirmes the chartour and infeftment, with the precept of seasing thairinconteyned and instrument of seasing falloweing therwpoun, made and granted be James Creichtoun of Frendrauche to his hienes lovitte Maister James Baird, advocate, and Bethia Dempster, his spous, and to the longest liver of them tuo, in lyferent dureing all the dayes of ther lyfetyme, and to Maister Johne Baird, ther eldest lauchfull sone, designit for the tyme Johne Baird, his aires and assigneyes whatsomevir heritablie in fie, off all and haill the landis of Fiddesbeige, alias Litlefiddes, with the houss, biggingis, yairds, parts, pendicles and pertinentes thairof, lyand within the parochine of Foverne and shereffdome of Aberdeene, to be holdine of the said James Creichtoune of Frendraucht, his aires and assigneyes, for yeerlie payment of the particulare duetie of four pundis at lenth mentionat and conteyned in the said chartour, as the same chartour conteyneing precept of seasing thairintill of the dait the third day of December, the yeer of God jM vjC and therttie yeeres, with the instrument of seasing fallowing therwpoun, wnder the not and subscriptione of Williame Cordenar, notar publict, at mair lenth beeres, in all and sindrie the heidis, poyntes, clauss, articles, circumstances and conditiones conteanit in the said chartour and precept of seasing therine ingrossit and instrument of seasing fallowing therwpoun, and efter the formes and tennoures therof in all poyntes, to have beene from the begining, to be now and in all tymecomeing in themselves good, laufull and perfyte evidentes and securities to the saidis Maister James Baird and Bethia Dempster, his spous, and the said Maister Johne Baird, there sone, his aires and assigneyes foirsaidis, for ther heritable and peaceable bruiking, joysing and possessing of the saidis landis of Litlefiddes, with the pertinentes therof, in all tymecomeing, conforme to the tennoures of the saidis rights heerby ratified, without contradictione, querrell or questioune to be made aganes the samene. Attoure, our said soverane lord, with consent foirsaid, hes decernit and declaired and, for his hienes and his successoures, perpetuallie statutes and ordeanes the said chartour and infeftment, conteyneing precept of seasing thairintill and seasing falloweing therupon in maner foirsaid, to be ane valied, lauchfull, heritable and reall richt and securitie to the said Maister James Baird, his said spous, sone and his foirsaidis, and to ilke ane of them respective for ther owne pairtes, and to the said Maister Johne Baird, ther sone, his aires and assigneyes, for peaceable bruiking and possessing of the saidis landis of Litlefiddes, with there pertinentes, heritablie and perpetuallie in all tymecomeing, as there owne proper heritadge notwithstanding of whatsomevir defect or imperfectiones that anywayes heereftir may be alledged or objected aganes the samene de jure vell de facto, ather be his hienes or be his successoures, or any other persone or persones that anywayes may cleame or pretend right thairto in ony tymecomeing, conforme to the tennours therof as said is; quhairanent, our said soverane lord, for his hienes and his successoures, hes dispensit, and be thir presentes dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.232r-232v.