Ratificatione in favoures of Sir Thomas Nicolsone

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ordeanes ane act to be mad therin in favoures of his hienes lovitte Sir Thomas Nicolsone of Carnoke, knight barronet, advocat, ratifieand and approveand the tuo chartoures made and granted be our soverane lord the kingis majestie, with advyse and consent of his hienes thesaureres, comptrolleres and collectoures principall and deputes and remanent lordis of his hienes excheker of Scotland, his hienes commissioneres, to the said Sir Thomas Nicolsone, his aires [...] assigneyes therin conteyned heritablie; the one of the saidis chartoures of and wpoun all and haill the lands and barrony of Carnoke, comprehending the particulare tounes, landis and milnes and wtheres conteyned in the said chartour wpoun the resignatione of umquhill Johne Drummond of Carnok, wnder his hienes great seale, of the dait the fyfteene day of Februar, jM vjC threttie foure yeeres, and the other of the saidis chartoures of and wpoun all and haill the landis and barrony of 2Plaine, comprehending the particulare tounes, landis, mylnes and wtheres thairinconteyned wpoun the resignatione of umquhill James Somervell of Plaine and wtheres haveing right therto, wnder his hienes great seale, of the dait the tuentie eight day of Junii, jM vjC thertie four yeeres, baith the saidis landis and barronyes, with ther pertinentes, lyand within the shereffdome of Stirveling; and the new giftes and uniounes of the saidis landis and wtheres conteint in the saidis tuo chartours in tuo barroneyes callit the barroneyes of Carnok and Playne in maner conteyned in the said tuo chartours, and ather of them, as the samene in themselves at more lenth beires, with the procuratories and instrumentes of resignatione wherone the saidis chairtoures and infeftmentes, and ather of theme, proceedit, and the preceptes of seasing and instrumentes of seasing fallowing wpoun the samene tuo chartours and infeftmentes, and ather of them, and with all otheres infeftmentes, seasingis and others rightes granted be his hienes to the said Sir Thomas and his authoures and there predicessoures off, wpoun and conserneing the saidis landis, barronyes and otheres abovewrittin or of any off them of whatsomevir daites, tennoures or contentes the samene be off, in all and sindrie the heedis, poyntes, clauss, articles, circumstances and conditiones thairin conteyned, and efter the formes and tennoures therof in all poyntes. And oure said soverane lord and estates of parliament declaires, decernes and ordeanes that this present ratificatione of the saidis chairtoures, infeftmentes and otheres rightes speciallie and generallie abovewrittin heerby ratified as said is, is and sall be alse effectuall and sufficient and of alse great force, strenth and effect as if the samene chartours and rightes wer all at lenth et per expressum de verbo in verbum heirin ingrossit and insert, notwithstanding the samene be not sua done, quhairanent and with all otheres defectes, imperfectiones or objectiones whilke may be proponit or alledged againes the samene rightes or any of theme, or this present ratificatione therof and validities of the samene, our said soverane lord and estates of parliament hes dispensit and be thir presentes dispenses for evir. And fardere, our said soverane lord and estates of parliament decernes and statutes the saidis tuo chartors and infeftmentes heerby ratified to be ane valied and wndoubted right to the said Sir Thomas Nicolsone and his foirsaidis for bruiking and enjoying the saidis landis and barroneyes respective abovewrittin and otheres therinconteyned, and haill pairtes, pendicles, liberties and pertinentes thairto belonging as ther own proper heritadge in tymecomeing, conforme to the tennoures of the saidis tuo chairtoures and infeftmentes abovementionat in all poyntes, notwithstanding of any objectiones may be made in the contrair, quhilke his majestie and estates remittes for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.226r-226v.
  2. 'Carnock' has been inserted but scored through by the clerk.