Ratificatione to the Erle of Home of his infeftment of the barrony of Dunce

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament hes2 ratified and approved and, be thir presentes, ratifies and approves ane contract and appoyntment of the dait at Edinburghe, Halyrudhous and Cannogait, the fyfteene, first and tuentie fourt dayes of [...] and Merche, the yeer of God 1636 yeires and 1638 yeires, made betuixt James, erle of Home, lord Douglas one the ane pairt, and Dame Margaret Home, lady Doune, Anna Home, lady Maitland, with consent of ther spouses and certane persones conteyned in the contract, one the wther pairt, be vertue wherof and for the causes therin conteyned the saides Ladyes Doune and Maitland hes sauld and disponed to the said James, erle of Home, his aires and assigneyes, all and haill the landis, liveing and estate of Home, comprehending the landes, barronies, mylnes, woodis, fishingis, offices, kirkes, teyndis and wtheres at lenth specified and conteyned in the said contract, as the samyne in it selfe at moire lenth proports, togidder with the infeftmentes fallowing therwpoune made be the foirsaidis persones, be resignatione in the handis of his majesties commissioneres in favors of the said James, erle of Home; and decernes and ordeanes the right of all and haill the saidis landis, liveing and esteate of Home, comprehending the saidis landis, barronyes, mylnes, woodis, fishingis, offices, kirkes, teyndis and others specified in the said contract, and to apperteene and belong to the said James, erle of Home and his aires therinspecified, be vertewe of the rightes, resignationes and dispositiones made be the foirnamed persones to him, and that for onerouss causes wndergone and fullfilled be the said James, erle of Home for obedience of our soverane lordis decreet arbitrall, wherby his majestie did decerne and ordeane the said James, erle of Home to pay to the foirnamed persones greate soumes of money, and declaires the said right and dispositione mad be the foirnamed persones to the said erle was, is and shall be in all tyme comeing ane good and wndoubted right to the said erle, wherby he may bruike and possess the said liveing, estate and otheres disponed to him as his proper heritadge. And farder our said soverane lord, with advyse foirsaid, ratifies and approves to the said James, erle of Home the dignitie and tytle of the Erle of Home, with all precedence due thairto, the said James, erle of Home being nerrest air maill, servit and retourit to umquhill James, erle of Home that last deceased and to umquhill Alexander, erle of Home, his father, first Erle of Home.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.224r-224v.
  2. The word 'hes' is repeated in the manuscript.