Ratificatione to the Laird of Greenoke

Our soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the three estates of this present parliament, ratifies, approves and for his hienes and his successores perpetuallie confirmes the chartour and infeftment made and granted be our said soverane lord, for himselfe and as father and laufall tutour, administratour and governour of the law to his hienes darrest sone Charles, Prince of Scotland and Wailles, Duke of Rothsay, Albany, Cornewall and Yorke, superiour of the landis wnderwrittin, to his hienes lovit Johne Shawe of Greenocke and Heleene Houstoune, his spous, and longest liver of them tuo, in conjunctfie, and the aires maill laufullie procreat or to be procreat betuix them, quhilks failyieing, to the said Johne Shawe, his aires maill and assigneyes whatsomever heritably, off all and haill the landis of Wester Greenocke Shaw with the old castle steid, castle, toure and fortalice and maner place, new built boundis, places, orchyairdis and yairdis of the samene, with the mylne therof and ther pertinentes whatsomevir; and of all and haill ane anuallrent of fiftie shillingis yeerlie to be wplifted and tane at tuo termes in the yeer, Whitsonday and Mertimes in winter, be equall portiones, forth of all and haill the landis of Johnestoune, with the pertinentes, lyand within the shereffdome of Renfrew; and sicklyke of all and haill the landis of Drumelling and Spango Cunyngham, with the woodis of the samene, and that pairt of the mylne of Spango, mylelandis, astricted multores and otheres multores therof, with all and sindrie the pertinents, except the three shilling, four penny land of the saidis lands lyand one the eist pairt of the landis and messuage some tyme occupyed and possest be Johne Ewing, all lyand within the said shereffdome of Renfrew, quhilke infeftment is granted wpoun the said Johne Shaw, his resignatione; togidder lykewayes with the new gifte and donatione therinconteyned made and granted be our said soverane lord, for himselfe and as father and administratour to his hienes said darrest sone, the prince, with consent of his hienes principall thesaurer and thesaurer deput within this kingdome of Scotland for the tyme, to the said Johne Shawe, his spouse and there foirsaidis, off the landis and otheres particularlie abovespecified with the new erectione conteened in the said chartor to the said Johne Shawe, his spous and ther foirsaidis off the toune or village of Greenocke in ane free burghe of barrony, to be callit now and in all tymecomeing the burghe of Greenocke, with all priviledgs, liberties and immunities at lenth mentionat and conteaned in the said chartor to be holdine of his hienes said darrest sone Charles, prince and stewart of Scotland, and his successoures, in fie and heritadge and frie barrony for evir for service of waird and releeffe, as the said chartor wnder his hienes great seale of the dait at Greenewitch, the fyfte day of Junii the yeere of God jM vjC threttie fyve yeeres at mair lenth beeres; with the precept of seasing fallowing wpoun the said chartor wnder his hienes quarter seale of the dait of the said chartour, togidder also with the instrument of seasing falloweing wpoun the said precept givine to the saidis Johne Shawe and his spous of the landis and otheres foirsaidis off the dait the nynt day of September the said yeere of God jM vjC threttie fyve yeires under the note and subscriptione of Thomas Nivine, notare publict, in all and sindrie the heedis, poyntes, clauss, articles, circumstances and conditiones conteened in the saidis chartor, precept of seasing falloweing therwpoun and seasing fallowing wpoun the samene, and eftir the formes and tennours therof in all poyntes, to have bene from the begining, to be now and in all tymecomeing good, valied and sufficient evidentes and securities, conforme to the tennours therof, to the saidis Johne Shawe, his spouse and ther foirsaidis for ther heritable and peaceable bruiking, joysing and possessing of the foirnamed landis and otheres particularlie abovespecified, with the pertinentes therinconteened perpetuallie in all tymecomeing, as ther owne proper heritadge, conforme to ther saidis rightes therof heirby ratified in all poyntes intymecomeing as said is. And declaires this present ratificatione to be alse valied and effectuall as if the foirsaid chartour, precept and instrument of seasing war word be word insert heirintill, allbeit the samene be not sua done, quhairanent our soverane lord and estates of parliament hes dispensed and heirby dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.220v-221r.