Ratificatione to James Sinclaire of Skallaway

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves to and in favoures of James Sinclaire of Skallaway, his aires and assigneyes the chartour made and granted be his hienes umquhill darrest father of worthie memorie to umquhill Williame Sinclaire of Wzea, youngest of the three sones of umquhile Oliver Sinclaire of Brew, his aires and assigneyes heritablie, of all and sindrie the landis wnderwrittin2, viz: the landis of Tegone, Kirkehous, Grobbeisnes, Clovagarth, Binstay, Weddirstay, Husda, Burrafirth, Lewning, Grmiziefirth, Dowray, Widlone, Skewerie, Neip, Sandsoull, Cloudoun, Sandwicke, Westerhous, Shawe, Simbuster, Brutes, Bastay, Wassay, Awicke, Houland, Papell, Grimassetter, Kirkabusta, Gossobrughe, Sandweeke in West Zell, Bigsetter, Salafirth, Guitshoir, Estergairth, Rasfirrd, Skaw, Wtterskaw, Wnderhoule, Bound, Collwassetter, Scletoun, Rannagowe, Ballyeista, Gunziasetter, Underhouse, Boddin, Daill, Sandwicke, Crosbister, Wnderhoule, Wenstricke, Moulay, Scowlay, Still, Midgairth, Papell, Torvell, Gairthe, Cloudoun, Setter, Houstaine, Clovocasetter, Vezea, Baltay, Southhous, Russetter, Houbie, Tostinstrand, Woodbustay, Aith, Clate, Griddillstay, Chaildernes, Daill, Houland, Boroland, Easterhouse, Storniefirth, Haggaistay, Northmuscoise, Southmuscoise, Tomling, Sand, Onyyiafirth, Reerweck and otheres mentionat in the said chairtour, extending to the particular merke landis enumerat in the said chairtour, haveing the wthere speciall designationes thairinmentionat, with all and sindrie thair parts, pendicles and pertinentis lyand within the parochines of Dalting, Nesting, Louhairsay, Yell, Unst, Fecler, Quhytnes, Wersdaill, Aithsting, Sandsting and Dunrosnese, within the shereffdome of Orknay and fowerie of Zetland, quhilks landis perteaned of before to the said umquhill Williame Sinclaire heritablie be the raite and laudable wse of the said cuntrie of Orknay, Zetland and of new disponed to him be the said chairtour, as being in his majesties handis as superiour of the said cuntrie in maner specified in the said chairtour, whilke is of the dait the fyfte day of Merche 1578 yeires. And sicklyke ratifiand and approveand the chartour granted be our soverane lord that now rignes, with advyse and consent of his hienes thesaureres, comptrolleres and collectoures principall and deputie and remanent lordis, his hienes commissioneres, to the said James Sinclaire of Scalloway, his aires and assigneyes whatsomevir heritablie, off all and sindrie the saidis landis and otheres conteened in the said former chartour, quhilkes perteaned of befor to the said Williame Sinclaire of Wzea, and whilkis war laufullie apprysed at the instance of the said James Sinclaire fra Francis Sinclaire of Wzea, as sone and lauchfullie and speciallie chairged to enter air to the said umquhile William Sinclaire, his father, conforme to the act of parliament, in payment and satisfactione of certane soumes of money adebted be the said Frances to him in maner specified in the apprysing deduced therwpon and as is mentionat in the said chartour, conteyneing ane unione of the saidis landis and otheres therinconteyned in ane haill and frie tennendrie callit the tennendrie of Wzea, in maner and to the effect mentionat in the said chartour, whilke is wnder his hienes great seale of the dait the sext day of Merch jM vjC tuentie sevine yeeres. As alse ratifies and approves the lettir of take made be umquhill James Hay, viccar of Unst, with advyse of the beshope of Orknay for the tyme, proveist, channone and chapter of the said kirke to umquhill Arthure Sinclaire of Aith and Margaret Collvill, his spous, parentes of the said James, the langest liver of them tuo, and to thair aires thairinmentionat dureing ane aires lyftyme and for the space of nynteene yeeres therefter, off all and haill the viccarage of Unst and otheres teyndis therinspecified belonging to the said viccarage usit and wont for the yeerlie payment of sexscoire pundis, with the exceptioune and reservatione conteyned in the said take, quhilk take is of the dait the third and last dayes of Apryle 1587 yeeres; and the lettires of dispositione made be the said umquhill Arthure Sinclaire of Aith and Margaret Collvill, his spous, with consent of umquhill Laurenc Sinclaire, ther eldest laufall sone and appeirand air to the said James Sinclaire of the said take, off the dait the fourteene day of August 1611 and first day of September 1612 yeeres, with the decreet conforme obteened therwpoun. As als ratifies and approves the chartour of confirmatione granted be his majesties umquhill father of worthie memorie wnder the great seale of the dait the sevinteine of October 1600 yeeres, thairby ratifieand and approveand and for his hienes and his successoures perpetuallie confirmeand the chartour made and granted be umquhill Patrike Chayne of Esilmounth to the said umquhill Arthure Sinclaire of Aith, his aires and assigneyes of certane landis therinconteyned, lyand within the parochine of Tingwall and lordshipe of Zetland, in the firme land as for the principall, and in speciall warrandyce therof, off all and haill tuo pleughe gaites of landis off the toune and lands of Taerties, with the pertinentes, lyand within the parochine of Logybuchane and shereffdome of Aberdeene, and the chairtour and dispositione mad be the said umquhill Arthure Sinclaire of Aith to the said James Sinclaire, his aires and assigneyes of the saidis landis abowewrittin, principall and warrandyce, disponed to him be the said umquhill Patrike Chayne in maner specified in the said chairtour and dispositione, quhilke is of the dait the ellevint day of August 1606 yeers, with the haill preceptes and seasingis fallowing wpoun the saidis chairtores and ilke ane of theme. As alse ratifies and approves the wther right and dispositione made be wmquhill Patrike, erle of Orknay to the said wmquhill Arthure Sinclaire, his aires and assigneyes, off all and haill the landis of Fluagarth, Sandavo, Seller, Burravo and Skalloway, and ther pertinents, lyand within the parochines of Northmavine and Tingwall within the said cuntrie and fowedrie of Zetland and shereffdome of Orknay and Zetland, for and in excambione of the landis and ile of Trondray perteening of befor to the said umquhill Arthure Sinclaire in wdaill, and disponit be him to the said umquhill Erle of Orknay, togidder with the right and dispositione of the samene made be the said umquhill Arthure to the said James Sinclaire and his aires. And alse ratifies and approves all otheres infeftmentes, rightes, tytles and securities made and granted be whatsomevir persone or persones to the said James Sinclaire and his foirsaidis of whatsomevir landis and possessiones lyand within the parochines of Tingwall, Cunisburghe, Quatnes, Weisdaill, Aithsting, Sandsting, Northmavine, the ile and parochine of Zell and yle and parochine of Wnst of whatsomevir daites, tennour or contentes the samene be of in all and sindrie the heidis, poyntis, clauss, articles, circumstances and conditions therinconteened and efter the formes and tennours therof in all poyntes. And our said soverane lord, with advyse and consent foirsaid, willes and grantes and, for his hienes and his successoures, decernes and ordeanes that this present ratificatione of the saidis rightes speciallie and generallie abovewrittin is and shall be als effectuall and sufficient and of als great force, strenth and effecte to the said James Sinclaire, his aires and assigneyes for bruiking of the foirsaidis landis, teyndis and otheres abovewrittin, conforme to the foirsaidis rightes, as if the saidis haill writtis wer all at lenth et per expressum de verbo in verbum heerin speciallie exprest, ingrost and insert, notwithstanding that the samene be not sua done, quhairanent, and with all otheres defectes and imperfectiones which may be proponit or alledged againes the saidis rights or any of them and validitie of the samene, or this present ratificatione thairof, our said soverane lord and estates of parliament hes dispensit and be thir presentes dispenses for evir, and findis and declaires the saidis writtis and evidentes to be good rightes quhairby the saidis James and his foirsaidis may bruike the saidis landis and viccarage teyndis therinconteyned, conforme to the tennours of the saidis rightes and to the lawes of this realme intymecomeing.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.218r-219v.
  2. Various lands are stated more than once in the list, for example 'Sandwicke', 'Houland', 'Wnderhoule', 'Papell', 'Cloudoun' and 'Daill'.