Ratificatione to Sir Johne Prestoune

Our soverane lord and estates of parliament ratifies and approves the letters of gifte granted be his hienes umquhill darrest father of woorthy memorie to umquhill Maister Johne Prestoune of Pennycooke, collectour generall and thesaurer of his hienes new augmentationes and president of the colledge of justice of this kingdome of Scotland for the tyme, indureing all the dayes of his lyfetyme, and eftir his decease to the said Sir Johne Prestoun now of Pennycuike, his sone, thair styllit Maister Johne Prestoun, sicklyke for all the dayes of the said Sir Johne his lyfetyme, off all and haill the fewe mailles, fewfermes and otheres dewties of the landis eftermentionat, whilkes perteent of before to the benefice wnderwrittin as ane pairt of the temporality of the samene, and now perteeneing to our soverane lord be the act of anexatione of all kirke landis to the croune and be otheres lawes, actes and constitutiones of the realme of Scotland, and that in name of pensione to them dureing the said space, viz: all and haill the few mailles and fewferme dewties of all and sindrie lands, mylnes, mylnelandis and otheres kirke landis quhatsomevir quhilkes perteent of before to the monasterie and abbacie of Jedburghe as ane pairt of the patrimony of the samen, extending yeerlie to three hundreth fourscoire pundis usuall money of this realme of Scotland; and als all and haill the few mailles and fewferme dewties of the landis of Provend perteaneing to the prebendrie of Ballanrikee, extending yeerlie to ane hundreth sevine pundis, ten shillingis money foirsaid, togidder with the soume of ane hundreth and ten pundis money and tuentie four bolles meill to be payed yeerlie forth of the first and reddiest fewferme dewties of the landis perteyneing to Halywood and abbacie thairof be umquhill Johne, lord Maxwell and the reste of the feweres, possessoures and occupyeres of the temporall landis of the said abbacy of Halywood, togidder with the soume of ane hundreth and threttie pundis money foirsaid to be payed yeerlie forth of the first and reddiest of the blench dewties perteaneing to the abbacy of Northberwike, and erected be his hienes said umquhill darrest father in ane frie barronie to umquhill Alexander Home of Northberwike, his aires and assigneyes, as the saidis lettirs of gifte of pensione granted be our said umquhile late soverane lord to the said umquhill Maister Johne Prestone and Maister Johne, now Sir Johne Prestoun, his sone, the langest liver of them tuo, wnder his hienes privie seale, of the dait att Quhythall, the tent day of Apryle the yeer of God jM vjC and sex yeires at mair lenth beires. As also the lettires of ratificatione granted therwpoun be our soverane lord kingis majestie, with advyse and consent of umquhill Johne, erle of Marre, lord Erskeene and Garioch, his hienes great thesaurer, comptroller and collectour or thesaurer of his hienes new augmentationes within the said kingdome of Scotland, and of Archbald, lord Naper of Merchinstoune, than his hienes deputie in the saidis offices, and remanent lordis, his hienes commissioneres, of the said kingdome of Scotland, in favors of the said Sir Johne Prestoune, wnder his hienes privie seale, of the dait at Quhythall, the tuentie day of Junii the yeer of God jM vjC tuentie eight yeires, in all and sindrie the heedes, poyntes, clauss, articles and conditiones conteaned in the saidis principall letters of gifte of pensione and ratificatione thairof, and efter the formes and tennoures therof in all poyntes; and willis, declaires, decernes and ordeanes the saidis lettires of gifte and ratificatione and confirmatione therof abovementionat to be sufficient, laufull and effectuall rightes to the said Sir Johne Prestoune for bruiking, joysing, wplifting and receiveing of the said yeerlie pensione of the saidis soumes of money and victuell respective foorth of the saidis benefices respective, alsweell of all yeeres bygone restand auchtand unpayed as yeerlie in tymecoming dureing his lyfetyme without ony objectione or impediment of lawe to be made in the contrair, efter the forme and tennour of the saids lettires of gifte and former ratificatione made thairof in all poyntes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.215v-216r.