Ratificatione to the Laird of Kilbirnie

Our soverane lord, with advyce and consent of the estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves the infeftment made and granted be his hienes, as prince and stewart of this realme of Scotland for the tyme, eftir his perfyte age of tuentie one yeeres compleet, with advyce and consent of the lordis and otheres of the counsell of the said kingdome of Scotland nominated and appoynted for administratione of his hienes effaires within the said kingdome, wnder the great seale to umquhile Johne Crawfurde of Killbirnie in liferent for all the dayes of his lyfetyme, and to Johne Craufurde, nou of Killbirnie, his eldest laufull sone, and to the aires maill to be procreat of his body, quhilkis failyieinge, to the said Johne Craufurd of Killbirny and his nerrest and lauchfull aires maill and assigneyes whatsomevir heritablie wnder the reversiones, conditiones and restrictiones therinmentionat, off all and sundrie the landis wnderwrittin, viz: all and haill the landis and barrony of Kilbirnie in propertie and tennendrie, with the fishings in the loch therof and ther pertinentes, lyand in the baillyearie of Cunynghame and sherefdome of Air; as also of all and haill the landis of Eister Grenocke, lyand within the barrony of Renfrewe and shereffdome therofe, with all and sundrie ther toures, fortalices, maner places, yairdis, orchyairdis, mylnes, multores, woodis, fishingis, dowcats, coilles, coillheughes, annexis, connexis, outsetes, tennentes, tennendries, service of frie tennentes, advocatione, donation and right of patronage of kirkis, benefices and chaplanries, pairtes, pendicles, and pertinentes therof whatsomever, all unit and erected of befor in ane haill and frie barrony callit the barronie of Killbirnie. And in lykemaner of all and hail the ten merke land of Fairliecrevoche, with tour, fortalice, maner place, houss, bigingis, yairdis, orchyairdis, corne and walke mylnes thairof, mylnelandis, multores and sequelles of the samene, annexis, connexis, pairtes, pendicles and pertinents of the samene whatsomevir lyand within the bailliarie of Cunynghame and shereffdome foirsaid of Air, to be holdine of our said soverane lord as then prince and stewart of Scotland and his hienes successoures, princes and stewartes of the said kingdome of Scotland waird in maner therinspecified, quilke infeftment is of the dait att Edinburghe, the second day of Merche 1624 yeeres. And sicklyke the infeftment made and granted be our said soverane lord as father, tutor, guyder and laufull administratour to his hienes darrest sone Charles, prince and stewart of Scotland, with advyse and consent of his hienes thesaureres, principall and deput, and remanent lordis of his hienes excheker of the foirsaid kingdome of Scotland to and in favoures of the said Johne Craufurd, now of Killbirnie, his aires maill and assigneyes whatsomevir, of the superioritie of all and hail the landis of Minokes and Gill, with tennentes, tennendries and service of frie tennentes therof, lyand within the barrony of Stevinstoune, bailliarie of Cunynghame and shereffdome of Air foirsaid, to be holdine lykewayes waird of our said soverane lordis said darrest sone and his hienes successoures, princes and stewartes of Scotland in maner therinmentionat, and quhilke chartoure is granted wnder his majesties great seale of the dait the [...] day of [...], the yeere of God jM vjC threttie sevine yeires, togidder with the preceptes and instrumentes of seasing respective fallowing wpoun the saidis tuo infeftmentes in all and sindrie heidis, articles, clauss and conditiones thairinconteaned, eftir the formes and tennoures of the samene; and willes and declaires this present ratificatione to be alse valied, effectuall and sufficient in all respectes as if the infeftmentes respective abovewrittin, preceptes and instrumentes of seasing falloweing therwpoun war at lenth, word be word insert heirintill; quhairanent his majestie, with advyce and consent of the estates foirsaidis, dispenses for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.213v-214v.