Ratificatione to the burghe of Forres

Our soverane lord, with advyce and consent of the estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves ane chairtour and infeftment granted be umquhile King James the Fourt of woorthie memorie in anno 1496 yeires, to and in favoures of the said burghe of Forres, burgess and commonality therof, off the landis callit Greifeshipe, with the pertinents, lie Baillie Land, lie Meikle Boige, with the midow callit Kings Midow, Loureistoun cum lie Cartheis et Ramflat, with the pertinentes, with commoune pasture within the forrest of Drummynd, et Tolloch, with mures, moss etc. and frie ishe and entrie to and fra the said forrest and pasturage be the mure callit Pilmure2, togidder with all liberties and priviledges usit and wont, and alse of the water and fishing of Finderne, fra Dunduffe wnto the lie banke de Finderne, alsweell in the freshe water as salt thairof, with the haill remanent priviledges, liberties and power of the same fishing conteint in the samene chartor; and also makeand and constituteand the aldermen, proveist and baillies of the said burghe who should be for the tyme shereffis within the samene burghe, boundis and liberties thairof, with the power of the office of shereffshipe in all thingis thairto belonging, sicklyke as any burghe in such lyke office hes within the kingdome, dischairgeing the shereffe of Elgine and Forres than present or to come, and ther deputes, of all excersing of ther said office of shireffshipe within the said burghe of Forres, boundis and liberties thairof for evir, togidder with the haill remanent liberties and priviledges conteint in the said chartour and infeftment, as the samene of the dait the tuentie third day of Junii the yeir of God abovewrittin in the selfe more fullie proportes, in the haill heedis, articles, clauss, conditiones, liberties and priviledges mentionat in the said chartour and infeftment, and speciallie, but prejudice of the generality foirsaid, the said office of shereffshipe within the said burghe off Forres and haill boundis and liberties therof; togidder lykewayes with the precept and seasing falloweing wpoun the foirsaid chartour, with all other infeftmentes, chartors, seasingis, rightes and securities whatsomevir made and granted be his majestie or any of his most noble progenitoures in favoures of the proveist, baillies, counsell or commontie of the said burghe of Forres, off all and haill the samen burghe and haill lands, fishingis, pasturage, liberties, priviledges and otheres perteening and belonging therto in the haill heidis, clauss and conditiones of the samene, precept, seasing and others wrettes, rights and titles foirsaidis, saiffand and reserveand allwayes to our said soverane lord and his successoures the service, few dewties and otheres dueties aucht and wont to his highnes and his predicessoures of the said burghe, landis, fishingis, office of shereffshipe, priviledges and liberties therof and otheres foirsaidis befor this present ratificatione. Attoure, our soverane lord and estates foirsaidis decernes and ordeanes that the foirsaid chartour and infeftment, precept and seasing falloweing therwpoun and remanent rightes foirsaidis with this present ratification therof are and shall be good, valied and sufficient rightes to the saidis proveist, counsell and commountie of the said burghe of Forres and there successoures for bruiking and joysing of the samene burghe, haill landis, casualities, fishingis, pasturages, office of shereffshipe and haill remanent liberties and priviledges belonging to the said burghe in all tyme comeing bot stope or impediment. And that this present ratificatione and generalitie foirsaid shall be alse valied and effectuall as if the foirsaid chartour, infeftment and otheres reightes foirsaids ware insert ad longum heirintill, quhairanent, and withall other objectiones or imperfectiones that can be alledged against the samene chartour, infeftment and otheres rightes foirsaidis, or this present ratificatione therof, our said soverane lord and estates foirsaidis hes dispenssed and dispenses be thir presentes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.213r-213v.
  2. APS suggests 'Filmure' in square brackets.