Act anente the delyverie of the castle of Dumbartane to the Duke of Lennoxe

The quhilk day the kingis majestie and estats of parliament, considering that Archbald, now marques and than erle of Argyle, in the moneth of August 1640 yeires, be the commissione fra the estates of parliament for the tyme, eftir some parlie and articles of capitulatione past betuixt him and Sir Johne Hendersone, thane capitane of the castle of Dumbartan, did obteane the said castle and ammunitione that was therine to be rendrit to him in name of the saidis estates. Lykeas the said committee of estates entrusted the said marques with the keeping of the said castle in ther name for the use of the publict, quhilke he hes faithfullie done. And therfore his majestie and estates ratifies and approves the said marques, his proceeding and cariage in the receiveing and keeping of the said castle, and holdes the samene as good service done be him to the cuntrey, and ordeanes him now to render the said castle of Dumbartane and whole cannoune, ammunitione and otheres moveables that is therin to the Duke of Lennox, to whom the samene perteened and still perteenes, or to any haveand his warrand, quhilk is heerby declaired to be ane sufficient exonoratione to the said Marques of Argyle and his deputes keeperes of the said castle for the rendring therof to the Duke of Lennox or any haveand his warrand as said is. And farder, for removeing of all jelousie or feare that may be conceived by keeping any garisones or ammunitione in the said castle, his majestie and estates of parliament statutes and ordeanes that the whole souldieres, ammunitione and cannoun of the said castle of Dumbartane be presentlie transported forth therof, and that none be pute nor keeped thairintill heirefter, and that the walles of the said castle be never repaired in all tymecomeing. Lykeas his majestie and estates foirsaidis declaires that it shall not be leisome to the Duke of Lennox nor any in his name or haveand reight from him to crave the rentes of the said castle for the cropt and yeere of God 1640 yeires or ony other yeer preceeding thate intrometted with be the said Marques of Argyle as haveand warrand from the said committie of estates, bot that the said marquees shall be onlie lyable to compt therfor to the committee appoynted for the commoun burdingis of this kingdome for the bygone chairges of the said castle and the use of the publict, but prejudice of the dukes right and reentrie to the castle rentes of Dumbartane for the whole cropt and yeere of God 1641 yeeres instant and in tymecomeing, conforme to his right to be intrometted with be him or any other haveand his power and warrand, to the quhilkis haill premiss abovementionat the saidis Duke of Lennox and Marques of Argyle, personallie present in parliament, willinglie consented.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.211r-211v.