Act of approbacion and exonoracion to the generall of the artilliarie, Generall Major Baillie, Generall Major Munro, Generall Major Leslie and the generall quarter-maister

The quhilk day the kingis majestie and estates of parliament, haveing takine to ther consideracion the desyre of the fyve generall officeres abovenamed, viz: the generall of the artilliarie, Generall Major Baillie, Generall Major Munro, Generall Major Leslie and the generall quarter-maister, makeand mentione of ther severall chairges foirsaidis put wpoun them be the estates in the armies of this kingdome dureing the late troubles therof, which are now brought to ane happie conclusione, and therfore desyreing that the kingis majestie and estates of parliament would receive ane accompt of there proceedingis and deportments in ther severall imploymentes and chairges respective foirsaidis, and disburdene them therof. And his majestie and estates of parliament, finding the foirsaidis desyres most reassonable, and haveing examinate the saidis generall officeres above designit, thair haill cariages in the exerceising of thair severall chairges respective foirsaids, and haveing compaired the same with ther commissiones, doe find and declaire that they and everie one of them heath faithfullie, diligentlie and cairfullie acquite themselves of the foirsaidis severall places and trust put wpoun them; and thairfor his majestie and estates of parliament doe not onlie liberat and exoner them and everie one of theme of all questiones or challeng which can be made to them for ther cariages in the saids places in tymes bygone, bot also gives them this approbatione: that they have deserved weell in the dischairge of thair saidis chairges as loyall subjectes to the king and trewe patriotes to the cuntrie.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.209r.