Act of exonoratioun and approbation in favouris of the Erle of Levin, lord generall

The quhilk day the kingis majestie and estates of parliament, haveing takine to ther consideratione the desyre of ane noble and potent erle, Alexander, erle of Levin, lord Ballgony, makeand mentione of the great chairge and trust put wpoun him be the estates and parliament of this kingdome wherby he was made generall of there whole forces and armies be sea or land in ther late troubles, which now being brought to ane happie conclusione be the blissing of God, he therfor craveth that the kingis majestie and estates of parliament would receive ane accompte of his actiones and deportments in the said imployment and disburdeene him of the samene. And his majestie and estates of parliament, finding the said desyre most reassonable, and haveing examinat the said noble erle, his haill actiones and cariage in the exerceing of the said place and trust, and haveing compaired the same with his commissione, doe find and declaire that the said noble erle, Alexander, erle of Levin, designit in his commissione Sir Alexander Leslie of Ballgonie, heath woorthilie acquite himselfe of that great place and trust was put wpoun him to be generall of ther armyes, and heath so noblie behaved himselfe in all the pairtes of his chairge as he justlie deserveth ther trewe testimony of his approvine fidelitie, worth and abilitie; and therfor his majestie and estates of parliament doe not onlie liberat and exoner him of all questiones or challenge which can be made to him for his cariage in the said place in tymes bygone, bot also, for the full demonstratione of thair dewe acknowledgment of his woorthie carriage, doe give him this weell deserved testimony and approbatione, to be recordit to efter ages: that he heath deserved nobillie of the kingdome and in all his actiones have exprest pietie, valour, wisdome and good governmente.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.208v-209r.