Act in favours of minores anent the dueties of the landes comprysed from them

Our soverane lord, with advyse of the estates of parliament, ratifies and approves the act of parliamente made in August 1621, cap. 6, in sua as the samyne consernes minores, and declaires that the treue meaneing therof was, and is, that minores haveing right to the legall reversione should be no further obleiged then dureing ther minoritie of tuentie one yeeres of age bot allenerlie for the annuelrent of the soumes conteyned in the comprysingis, and that they tyne not the right of the superplus of the mailles and dueties of the landes so farre as the samene exceedis the said annuelrentes indureing ther said minoritie.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.207v.