Reference to the kingis majestie anente the Britishe subjectes

The quhilk day the supplicatione givine in to the parliament desyreing the king and parliament to remonstrate to the parliament of England the pitifull estate of the Britishe in Ireland be the insolent rebellione and creuell outraiges of the Irish ther, that speedie course may be tane for there helpe, and in the meanetyme all voluntares permitted to goe in that service, and armes furnished to them and some armes lent upoun lone for the wnarmed Britishe in Ireland, as the supplicatione more fullie beires, being publictlie red in parliament in audience of his majestie and estates of parliament, the estates of parliament foirsaid recommendis and remittes the foirsaid supplicatione to his majesties gratious consideratone.

Reference to the counsell anent the act for incarceratione of poore people

The quhilk day the act presented in parliament ordeaneing that all poor people to bee incarcerat heirefter shall be interteened wpoun the expenss of the inputteres, being red in audience of the parliament, his majestie and estats of parliament remittes the samene and consideratione thairof to the lordis of his hienes secreet counsell.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.207v.